Saturday, April 11, 2015

English Bay Oil Spill, ctd....What's The Frequency Keef?


It would appear that the good Mr. Baldrey has returned from Spring Break and is once again showing off his finer than ultra-fine, but highly formulaic, tweetology:

But here's the thing...

Who amongst the folks that are rightfully upset about the slow Coast Guard response to the spill has even suggested such a thing?

Seriously Mr. Baldrey.




In non-Lotuslandian Club member call-out news, a Seattle proMedia member who knows a thing or ten about the laxity in environmental regulatory enforcement in British Columbia  takes Mr. Baldrey out to the woodshed with his codswallop and whacks him up the side of the head with it:


Someone find Keef a fainting couch immediately!

Previous pre-Spring Break Keef Reports can be found....Here.
What's with all this 'What's The Frequency' business?...Well...This.



  1. I hereby declare that henceforth Keith Baldrey shall be known as Keith Baldrick.

    And this shall be his bio picture.

  2. Dana--

    Yesterday you mentioned how we, the citizenry, are being so 'polite and civil' about all of this....

    I would most humbly suggest that it is the very fine work of folks like the good Mr. Baldrey and colleagues that is helping to make it all possible.

    All our politeness and civility, I mean.


  3. Keef; "My lord, my lord that man Connelly is a scoundrel and has upset my keen journalistic sensibilities.I must retreat to my boudoir. Have my man servant Mikey, bring me another Mint Julep and please inform her highness I will be unable to attend the cotillion in Victoria ."

  4. sd--

    Mr. Baldrey has already responded by 'suggesting' that Mr. Connelly has twisted his words.

    Or some such thing.

    I have asked Mr. Baldrey directly (see link above) who, exactly, 'suggested' that ships should be removed from the harbour.

    I await his most gracious response.



  5. That tweet was actually the perfect message. But Keef forgot to address it to the guy who needs to hear and heed it. Stephen Joseph Harper.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well...

    I don't watch that Thrones thingy. Too mean and nasty and cuss word-filled for a wilting flower like myself.

    But I did think that Mr. Dinklage was most excellent in The Station Agent.


  8. I'm sure it will most gracious indeed Ross.

  9. "Too mean and nasty and cuss word-filled..."

    Hint taken.

  10. sd--

    Well, when you are one of those idiots with no established credibility you have to take both grace and answers wherever you can find them.

    Regardless, have received neither from Mr. Baldrey so far.

    Has only been an hour though.

    And I'm sure it's just taking him a little time to assemble the massive list of misguided folks who suggested that we should force all ships from the 'working harbour'




  13. We 'need' economic growth. So we 'need' 400 tankers per year transporting diluted bitumen from Alberta to where-ever through Vancouver harbour. I guess.

  14. How come reports of this event are silent on how the fuel entered the ocean? The radio coverage of this spill this morning mentioned that it was the maiden voyage of a grain ship. I would have thought that modern ships would have oil separators so that the bilge they pump into the ocean in international waters is not quite so toxic. I would also like to think that a new ship shouldn't have leaked a couple thousand litres of fuel so early in this ship's sea-going career.

  15. I noticed that Mr. Baldrey uses the American spelling of harbour, that is, he spells it "harbor". What's wrong with him? Is the Queen's English not good enough for him?

  16. Perhaps the real problem with Keith is some of his brain cells no longer function due to the roots of his hair growing into his brain, you know sort of like the mess he has on top of his head.

    the guy is an idiot, which passes for having a brain.

    The tweet from the other guy is great. loved it.

  17. EG--

    Noticed that too.

    At first thought maybe he was trying to save characters...But I don't think so



    Mr. Connelly is informed and he's not one to play the 'both sides do it' game when there is no evidence that kind of stuff is actually going on.


  18. "At first thought maybe he was trying to save characters...But I don't think so"

    But he is constantly trying to save characters- from the Liberal party.

  19. Bill--

    Ahhhhh....Hadn't thought of that.

