Thursday, April 16, 2015

Joni Mitchell's Pre-Blue Muse.


As you may have heard Ms. Mitchell was hospitalized a few weeks ago.

What you may or may not have heard about are the specifics of Ms. Mitchell's health problems, which are, unarguably, debilitating.

The cause of those problems, however, have led to considerable argument, the best and most balanced description of which that I have read come from Stassa Edwards writing at Jezebel.

Although, to be very clear here, I have, essentially, no expertise in such matters so you might want to read Russell Smith's take in the Globe as well if you are interested.


Regardless all that, there was a most interesting piece in, of all places, the Wall Street Journal by Marc Myers last week describing the inspiration for at least two of Ms. Mitchell's songs on the album 'Blue'.

Essentially, this is the story of a young kid who met Mitchell on the island of Crete at the end of the sixties whose first name is Car(e)y and who she once described as her 'Mean Old Daddy'.

It's a great read for all kinds of reasons, including for the anecdotes about Ms. Mitchell's songwriting process and the stories about just how different the world was for carefree kids who wanted to travel the world on a shoestring back then.

And reading such a piece it would go very well with, say, this...

Above linked-to piece is built from Cary Raditz' recollections...Ms. Mitchell's are...Here.



  1. scotty on denman4:20 am, April 17, 2015

    The medical institution agonizes over pain, but they get little sympathy from me. This chanting "we don't really know much about pain," and "medical schools don't teach anything about pain" coincides a tad too conveniently with OxyContin libel chill (where the $600 million fine a big pharma outfit got for peddling Oxy as non-addictive becomes the lame excuse for doctors who rote-prescribed it irresponsibly) and official wars on drugs in a number of North American countries. The fact that pain is the most common symptom presenting in most medical complaints---not to mention the ubiquity of the phenomenon among children, some of them becoming MDs themselves---should warrant at least a little sympathy. But there's a strong prejudice in the medical community about treating pain---enough to make some people, especially pain-sufferers, wish a dose of permanent empathy upon their doctors.

    It's hardly surprising doctors prejudice pain complaints even more when they come from women: women get that from most male-dominated repair and maintenance industries, medicine included.

  2. Very interesting, and important, points Scotty.

    And, while I have thought of the profession I'm tangentially associated with as a repair/maintenance industry before, I hadn't thought of the gender bias it often exhibits in quite that way...I really do think that will change though as (even) more and more women are becoming MD's.

    Hey folks - apologies, the WSJ piece celebrating the life and times of a young Joni is now linked to (I'd missed it putting it in when I first wrote this a couple of days ago - and, yes, I do write ahead.



  3. scotty on denman2:27 pm, April 17, 2015

    Yes, Ross, I'm sure gender prejudice is receding---perhaps at a faster rate among academia and the sciences. It's always the lower-educated sectors of that are the most conservative in this regard. I get a shot of vicarious Schadenfreud when salesmen or contractors meet my longtime partner--they don't know (rather, they pre-judge with a singular bit of evidence) this short, white-haired little Baba has done her share of real estate development, commercial and residential construction--I shrug with splayed palms and a smile when they look over at me with desperation as she shows them up ("Sorry, Buddy, you asked for it!"). But I must say the automotive industry, almost completely male-dominated, is still the worst---almost unrepentantly so. Perhaps the last redoubt?

    Now I have to also say that the medical profession's attitude about pain is highly prejudicial against men of a certain vintage--- like, say, who were young men in the late sixties to late seventies. I know: I'm one. Only wish I could spoil doctors' prejudices as easily as my squeeze does Joe Workie male-chauvinism. But I do OK by keeping cool and being a patient squared.
