Monday, February 15, 2016

This Week In Clarkland: The Magical Artificial Insemination Of...

...A Non-Existent Sparkle Pony.

All is detailed in Rob Shaw's latest 'scoop' in the VSun:

The B.C. government will announce the creation of its long-awaited liquefied natural gas prosperity fund in Tuesday's budget, and kick-start the account with a deposit of up to $100 million, The Vancouver Sun has learned...

'Has learned', indeed.

Meanwhile, as Mr. Mair makes clear, the tens of billions we will have to pay for the destruction of BC Hydro is entirely off the books.

It's magic I tell you.


Especially when you consider where that $100 million is actually coming from.

Mr. Springsteen explains what this type of thing is really all about...Here.



  1. Of propaganda,vapourware and momopoly money?funded by msp and hydro and icbc Inceases into general revenue.the day before budget day.

    Vapourware LNG sales to a country that exports LNG hmmm...

  2. Yay! LMG is, like, so totally awesome, y'know? It's making us rich before we even have it!

  3. theres truth in poetry
    unfortunately poetry not that popular

  4. if post it notes run out theres always etch a sketch

  5. And class sizes over 30 students up 25%,never mind the all programs(Music,Art)that have been cannibalized to pay for rising costs to school boards.But, we now have a $100 mil for a music lobby fund for a photo op with Bubbles. $100 mil here another $100mil there, who cares eh?

  6. "The Magical Artificial Insemination Of...A Non-Existent Sparkle Pony."

    My wife asked from an adjacent room what the hell I found so funny. I'll be smiling all day.

    For some reason a visual of Rich Coleman standing on a stool at the business end of a sparkle pony with an anthropomorphic visage keeps popping up.

  7. insemination .... don't you mean dissemination?

    To disseminate (from lat. disseminare "scattering seeds"), in the field of communication, means to broadcast a message to the public without direct feedback from the audience.

  8. well if Christy has "grown" the economy so much she has a $100M surplus why isn't she increasing disability and welfare rates. The children and disabled are living at 50% below the poverty line with no increase in funding since June 2007. Now why would you want to cause children and the disabled even more misery by denying them adequate food and shelter. could some one just ask her that, once again. last time she said we had to grow the economy. well if we are to believe her, that has happened and still no money for disabled people or children. Not a nice person at all. Guess she isnt' as religious as she likes to portray herself.

  9. Thanks everybody--

    There are a lot of reasons to blog (or not)....Before yesterday I never in a million years would have thought that one of the best of them would be to get the attention of Lew's wife!


  10. The headline was very umm...interesting. However, I can never "unsee" the image that Lew's comment has caused my imagination to conjure up. ick.
