Wednesday, March 09, 2016

This Day In Clarkland...Word Salad Wednesday.

I guess this means Mr. de Jong grows lettuce when he is not kneading the cookie dough.

But who makes the dressing?

As Bob Mackin points out, Mr. de Jong sure does like banging out the E-Comm while he's hiding out in the barn...Or some such thing.
Lower snark quotient post on this matter (and why it matters) is...Here.



  1. He's a farmer?

    Didn't he used to be Finance Minister at one time?

  2. I can confirm that Mike is a farmer because he's sure been busy spreading the fertilizer lately. He's also farming out a lot of our money to settle wrongful dismissal suits that occurred on his

  3. It would be interesting to know if Mike de Jong's major (sole) source of income, before he became an MLA was derived from what he verbally claims now as being 'a farmer' and not from having been a practicing Lawyer with his own firm. How would Revenue Canada view his current status? Or, is his sole source of income for the past decade come from being an MLA, with a Minister salary added on?

    If he is a Farmer, then has he distanced himself away from any decision making in Cabinet, on the Legislative floor, that would be a benefit to his neighbours or personal, as a Minister of the Crown? Has he ever abstained from any voting?

  4. 2011 WaybackMachine Bio

    A self-described custodian of the small family farm, Mike started public service as one of Canada’s youngest school trustees at the age of 26, and he was elected twice to the Abbotsford school board. He also operated an Abbotsford law practice before becoming a Member of the Legislative Assembly in 1994.


  5. NVG...

    Rumour has it the only thing that the Minister of Fantasy has abstained from is... e-mail stuff. Although some have suggested he and his Liberal colleagues regularly abstain from the truth.

  6. Interesting that it was the Cookie Dough kneading farmer who went after Mr. Eby in the Ledge today when the latter offered an explanation re: the sale of Dipper HQ that led to the later VSun kinda/sorta 'retraction' of their original front page story.


  7. Yabba dabbba dooo!!!

  8. ah, I do believe some of the deJong family as in parental units or older were farmers or owned farm land in the outer reaches of greater Vancouver/fraser valley. I doubt if mikie every saw a plow or tractor except in pictures. he does spread manure, but so does Christy and neither of them are farmers.

  9. @e.a.f. de Jong parents live next door to his 'farm' where he considers himself to be a 'custodian'. Source:BC Liberal Party Bio via the WayBack Machine in de Jong's run to the Leader therefore the Premier.

  10. also not do what?
