Thursday, March 31, 2016

Translink Turnstiles Coming Down....The Hatman's Revenge.


First, the what:


From days gone by (a.k.a. '2008')....

The why:

When last we saw him, Kenneth Dobell was headed, as our man Mr. Young once put it, "for the turnstiles".

Transit turnstiles to be precise:

The premier's former special advisor and top bureaucrat has been talking to the Campbell administration on behalf of Cubic Transportation Systems Inc., an American company that "designs, manufactures and integrates automatic fare collection systems for public transit projects throughout the world." This, according to the provincial government's lobbyist registry. Ken Dobell registered as a lobbyist for the San Diego firm on November 23 (2007), declaring an intent to contact transportation minister Kevin Falcon and Partnerships British Columbia regarding "transit system gates and smart cards."



It's almost as if, as CoV Councillor Andrea Reimer noted awhile back...

If you get my drift.


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