Friday, September 16, 2016

This Day In Clarkland....Thirty-Six Dollars.


The following is lifted straight from Finance minister's latest bit of PAB-Botian puff-fluffery:

...Higher revenues also mean the B.C. government is cancelling the planned 4% increase to MSP premiums, and those eligible for Regular Premium Assistance will see a 4% reduction of their premium beyond what was announced with Budget 2016. Cancelling the January 2017 premium increase and keeping regular MSP premiums at 2016 levels will save adults up to $36 per year...


A temporary reduction on the already ridiculously egregious?


How did that Clarklandian gambit, pre-election 2013,  ultimately work out for the Rubes....errrr....fine upstanding citizens who are forced to use the ice-bomb bridge everyday, especially for those who are late with their 'payments'?



  1. The 4% number is used twice for two different categories. Are they of the same $$$$$ value?

    " .... planned 4% increase to MSP premiums, and those eligible for Regular Premium Assistance will see a 4% reduction of their premium ..."

  2. NVG--

    Can't see how they could be given that the folks with assistance should be paying a lower rate before the 'cut'.


  3. Higher tax revenues to government, from huge property sales taxes, resulting from an insane real estate bubble, which is fueled by money laundering, speculation, etc., and which is making housing unaffordable for normal people in certain areas. Awesome.

  4. Hugh--

    Awesome, indeed.

    And what is becoming increasingly clear is that, despite all those protestations from the Clarklandians and their patrons, a whole lot of super fine folks have known exactly what is going on for a considerable length of time.


  5. IF they can afford to not raise the MSPs why can't they afford to give bus passes to the people on disability pensions, instead of clawing back their increases. We know already 3500 disabled people can't afford to keep their bus passes. Guess Christy figures there aren't enough disabled people voting for her anyhow.
