Monday, October 10, 2016

The Burying Of The Biggest Trump-Clinton Debate Lede Of All.


First, let's start with the question, from debate moderator Martha Raddatz:

...If you were president, what would you do about Syria and the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo?...

Trump responded, after Ms. Clinton had spoken cogently about how her first step would be a no-fly zone followed by leveraged diplomatic talks with Russia, with much blather that had nothing whatsoever to do with saving the lives of innocents in Aleppo and ended with this:

...I don't like Assad at all, but Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS and Iran is killing ISIS and they have lined up because of weak foreign policy...

This was followed by moderator Raddatz attempting to bring Mr. Trump back to the original question:

...Mr. Trump, let me repeat the question. If you were president, what would you do about Syria and the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo, and I want to remind you what your running mate said. He said provocations by Russia need to be met with American strength and that if Russia continues to be involved in airstrikes along with the Syrian government forces of Assad, the United States of America should be prepared to use military force to strike the military targets of the Assad regime...

Which led to the following undeniable statements by Mr. Trump:

...He (Pence) and I haven't spoken, and I disagree.


...Right now, Syria is fighting ISIS. We have people that want to fight both at the same time. But Syria is no longer Syria. Syria is Russia and it’s Iran who she made strong and Kerry and Obama made into a powerful nation and a rich nation, very quickly, very, very quickly. I believe we have to get ISIS. We have to worry about ISIS before we can get too much more involved. She had a chance to do something with Syria, they had a chance, and that was the line...



If you thought that the big story today, the day after the debate, might be something about what it would mean if, as Mr. Trump was advocating,  the United States were to include herself in an axis that would also include Mr. Putin's Russia and Mr. Assad's Syria you would be wrong.

Instead, the lede to this story in most of the big USian proMedia outlets like, say, CNN is something akin to the following:

Republican candidate Donald Trump flatly contradicted his running mate on Syria policy in the second presidential debate Sunday, signaling a lack of cohesion on foreign policy issues.

"He and I haven't spoken, and he and I disagree," Trump said in response to a question about whether he backs the possible use of military force against the Assad regime in Syria as staked out by Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, with whom he shares the ticket, at the vice presidential debate Tuesday...

My opinion?

It is lede burying, under the mounds of political horse-racier-than-thou talk, that prevents a citizenry from openly discussing what Mr. Trump is saying he would actually do as President that is the real problem here.


And as to Mr. Trump's assertion that Mr. Assad is ISIS' worst enemy, well, actually...No.



  1. My god, where to start. Watched the debate with 5 female family members and they couldn't believe the sexism oozing from the orange one. The Jerry Springer stunt before the debate,saying she should be in jail,saying he's payed 100's of millions in taxes then bragged about using the tax code to avoid taxes,saying that neighbors in San Bernadino saw bombs but said nothing(no one saw any bombs), but yes, the fact that he has no grasp of middle eastern issues is one of the scarier things he represents to the world. Luckily Josh and the Blue Jays gotter done! Now my Giants have to start hitting!

  2. IS BC politics rotten to the core.Is no one watching the door?

    1. Lol....reads like a line from some punk songs I'm starting to write....can I steal that?

  3. The Assad regime drops barrel bombs on kids. That all on its own is bad enough. He is guilty of crimes against humanity and any one who wants to crawl into bed with him in this war is just as bad. In this war its bad policy to go with the "less of 2 evils" because both sides are evil.

    What needs to happen is all non combatants need to be removed from the war zone. Assad isn't going to let that happen. His regime's killing of children and those in hospital tell us what type of a person he is.

    The fact Trump hasn't discussed it with his running mate, well that's power for the course. Its all about the Trump train and anyone but him is not counted. It would be interesting to see him and Pence actually debate each other. I'd support Pence in actions against the Assad regime because I believe he and his regime need to be brought before the Court at the Hague, charged, and tried as a war criminal. I do wonder why, with all those smart bombs, one hasn't been dropped on Assad. Perhaps its not done. Perhaps the rest of the world is afraid Putin might retaliate or some one worse comes to the fore.

    watched the debate and it was like a side show, his bringing the 5 women. Many watching might not even have known about it. Most people would simply have seen 5 old women sitting there and trying to figure out what the issue was. I'm not trying to be sexist about the women. If Trump were going to make a play like he did he ought to have ensured the women still looked like they did at the time the allegations were made. Trump played to his base and the women got another 15 seconds of fame.

    Trump's "stalking" around the stage reminded me of some one looking to get in a sucker punch, physically.

  4. Can't snuff out Assad. One of the best customers of the arms industry. The great catalyst for many wars..... follow the money....oil and gun sales

  5. The Assad regime drops barrel bombs on kids. That all on its own is bad enough. He is guilty of crimes against humanity and any one who wants to crawl into bed with him in this war is just as bad. In this war its bad policy to go with the "less of 2 evils" because both sides are evil.

    You really should Google barrel bombs.
    They are not the weapons of a sophisticated military
    Their accuracy is very poor and the results random at best.
    We are being sold a lie in Syria
    The end result could be world war.
    Do you wish to promote that?

