Friday, October 14, 2016

The Felices and AaronLee Tasjan Are Here!

And Mr. Tasjan had this to say about all that on his Instagram thingy:

aaronleetasjanWe're going to Canada. It's a fools errand we know, what with all the free health care and kick ass people and sauced up French fries. Tonight at the Cobalt with the @felicebrothers Yeehaw.

And, apparently, on the drive up from Portland today, big Jimmy gave AaronLee 'Two For Flinching', when they passed by Castle Rock Washington just for good measure and, because he kind a looks like a bit like an East Nashville Hobo version of Corey Feldman while he Stands By Me and Thee.

Or some such thing.

Show report to follow!


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