Sunday, November 06, 2016

This #BCL16 Weekend In Clarkland...Sometimes Even The Wizardry Will Just Say Anything.



Actually, no.

Metronews' David Ball had that story recently. Here is his lede:

As child poverty in British Columbia climbs, kids are reaching school age more vulnerable than anytime in the past 15 years, a new University of B.C. report has found.

One in every three B.C. children now enters Kindergarten under-performing on a childhood wellbeing index developed by the university’s Human Early Learning Partnership, the Early Development Instrument (EDI)...


It would appear that little thing with the fine folks behind the BCLiberal party's curtain who are so full of 'ideas' is so ideological....errrrr... political.

And that includes child poverty.

Imagine that!

Longterm policy?.....Indeed.



  1. Welcome to the world of word salad, pay to play for acquisition malpractice.
    dam(11B) that bridge(3.5B) anyone?
    Campbell shows up at royal Wimbelton box and next thing,a few months later, royals are visiting BC during LNG announcement?

  2. This liberal government has been blowing smoke up our asses long enough. Christy is so out to lunch, that I think she is high, when she makes up these fabrications. I have so much smoke, that I will be able to blow smoke rings right up to the next election.

  3. Christy Trump

  4. This issue has been one of the BC Liberals' most damning, yet all they can do is pretend it hasn't been their offensive-smelling diaper, change long overdue. I mean, imagine not changing your diaper for fifteen years and pretending nobody can smell it for miles around. It's way, way worse than a naked emperor.

    Holy peeeeeeuw! This is a shitty teenage baby that definitely needs to be thrown out, tub-of-shit, shit-water and all. Seattle sure ain't gonna like it...

  5. Remove the malfeasance, the fools, the liars as soon as possible, your children and their children's future depends on it.

  6. making your hard earned tax dollars disappear and a video?


  8. This country needs more exports. Perfect solution...the BC Liberal party with their cronies and supporters, exported
    to Malaysia, or another third world dictatorship. Let's see how the lies and corruption play out in one of those places.
    Time to take out the garbage, yes it smells big time...rotten to the core. The fools need their butts handed to them on a platter...

  9. Mmm... Me wonders if the ol' dirtbag Campbell was there during the BC Liberals weekend of self-love.

    Slithering through the back rooms glad-handing and backslapping: weaseling his way back into reforming his public perception.

    We do know he showed up a few days later in Vancouver

  10. Thanks for that Anon--

    (I think....Post on the reappearance of Mr. Campbell now up)



  12. When BC has lied people have died?
