Tuesday, December 20, 2016

This Day In Clarkland...What About The Other 263 Schools?


Remember that ridiculous tweet from the Clarklandian PAB-Bots yesterday about the seven rural schools that were 'saved' from the chopping block for purely partisan political reasons and how we should be celebrating that great achievement this holiday season?


As you might expect, the BCTF has been keeping actual track of the actual total.

And the number of closures, many of them due to the BC Liberal government's 'per pupil' funding policy not to mention that ridiculous 95% occupancy rate requirement is actually...

Two Hundred and Sixty-Three ('X' marks the spot, above).


You read that right.

Tip 'O The Toque to teacher Robin Tosczak on the Twittmachine for the heads-up on the map.



  1. Now that is information which ought to get out there. Just a map and a few lines in all the local papers. the NDP or BCTF might want to give that some thought. small local papers don't cost that much, so avoid the Sun and Province. hey, wait perhaps the New York Times might want to come back and do an article.............well the Sun and province don't.

    The map clearly shows how many schools have been closed in rural areas. Now those children have to take school buses instead of going to local schools. That does not improve education or the quality of life for the children. but you can bet the b.c. lieberals don't care. their kids can afford to go to private school even if Mom has to pay $40K or so a year.

    thank you to the teacher who did this work!

  2. Confrontation time...private school B.S. is nothing more than BC Liberal union busting and destroying the public
    education system in this province to remove lucrative public lands and place them into private hands.
    Remove the kleptocrats and union bashing thrives as quickly as possible, they are destroying our province daily.
    If you want BC to survive as a province, that is otherwise they'll start carving it up into economic zones for the wealthy to pilfer and rip the rest of us off completely.
    No jail facility currently exist to hold these white collar criminals...time to start preparing one!

  3. SH:

    Former Westside-Kelowna MLA, Ben Stewart, leaving 3 year 'Trade' stint in China - predicting Clark win and singing gov's praises on CBC's Daybreak South with Chris Walker.


    …and this: Twitter goes Polish. (on every account I've checked)

    Nowy na Twitterze?

    Zarejestruj się, a otrzymasz spersonalizowaną oś czasu!
    Zarejestruj się
    Trendy - Cały świat
    Tweety: 141 tys.
    Tweety: 89,6 tys.
    Alan Par

  4. SH--

    Well, when your meal ticket depends on a certain thing happening...


  5. SH:

    Chris to Ben: I remember that beautiful evening at your winery and the looks on the faces of your family and friends. (not happy).

    Perhaps Clark would like to be earning more than six figures, and Ben's family would like to be Westside Royalty again?

  6. SH--

    Pretty sure that would be OK with the rest of us living out in #notrealworld.


  7. SH:

    Not OK w me. A blushing Green Groom, might step up, for the 'good of the Province'... Shades of Gord relieving Flip of his duties. Shades of Christmas Past and Christmas future...

    In my #notrealworld a septuagenarian, with f*cked, every body part you can think of, came by to drain our own swamp (septic).

    In the Golden Age of Davey, dude who has to suck-it-up-to-survive, would be on a Mexican beach with a Cervaza or two, in hand.
