Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Come On Over, There's A Whole Lotta Voting Going On.


While it's old hat now for Bigger E., today littler e. is voting for the very first time.

Interestingly, it appears that they both figured out what vote splitting is without any help from me.

These days it's pretty much the same thing with their song and dance acts also.

Which is exactly as it should be.

As for the old days, well....

Have fun kibbitzing with your friends, neighbours and fellow citizens as you head from the sunlight into the voting booth everybody!



  1. SH:

    Ahhh so sweet. What a great antidote to all the angst!

  2. Too cute! They sure grow up so fast, my youngest is now a DR.MD . This made me smile, I may need to watch again at 9 tonight.

  3. Thank you for sharing. How cute she is with her pink guitar.

    Congrats on the great job you and the spousal unit did raising your daughters!
