Friday, February 02, 2018


The best.


That is all.



  1. I remember hitchhiking from Haida Gwai to Vancouver the night Dave Barrett was elected. The elation was huge and when the NDP passed a law that you could not use strapping in schools as a discipline and having survived the Irish Christian Brothers David Barrett will have my never dying love and gratitude. We loved your courage Dave and your progressive thinking that shook this province from the preacher man Wacky Bennett.

  2. Agree. Best premier. Sad day.

  3. RIP, Dave

    You rocked, you rolled, and you ruled. All with a sense of passion, and compassion.


  4. He was such a funny, kind, smart, caring guy.

    He did more to protect BC and serve citizens than all the Socred Premiers combined (the "Liberal" premiers, aka corruption inc.. don't even deserve a mention).


  5. SH:

    What a great photo! Thank you RossK.

    Dave brought out our best. We have a lot to live up to, and we better get busy!

  6. He changed the province for the better for all of us, forever! Truly an amazing man and oh, so funny when you spoke with him. We were truly blessed to have had him as Premier!

  7. He led a government that did what most decent caring citizens wanted and expected and did it exceedingly well.
    A great orator and very special British Columbian.

  8. The Epitome of a life well lived.

    Bon Voyage Dave.

  9. The most caring person ever in politics. I believe it was a part of his family life. I remember his Dad, with his store on Powell Street. We, as a family of eight after receiving a welfare chèque, always received fruit and vegetables from his Dad at his store. They were always so kind. I have always remembered the caring and carried on with giving to others. I only wish all politicians remember where they came from. Thanks Arlene

  10. I have never met a politician that I respected more. My future wife, my best friend and myself went door to door to get our local NDP candidate elected when he became premier. It was the happiest political day of my life. About 15 years ago Mr. Barrett attended a fund raiser for our local candidate at my home. My 16 year old daughter and two girl friends came home while he was still there. They had no political knowledge other than listening to me. Dave was sitting on the deck and the 3 young ladies sat down and talked to him for about half an hour. He changed their lives. They thought he was the most intelligent person they had ever met and his thoughts so enlightening. He did something I was not capable of doing and all I can say is thanks!

  11. Maybe it's because I'm over 40 years older but I just don't feel the optimism for this NDP that I felt for Dave and the NDP of the day.(Site C maybe?)It was a great time in B.C.'s history!

  12. I first came out West when Dave was Premier. I never went back for long.

    He’s BC’s Tommy Douglas: important and loved.

  13. I was young and allowed to vote in north van in my very first provincial election, when red baiting wacky Bennett was beaten and Dave and the NDP won I thought surely the world was evolving ever more progressively ... youthful innocence was soon dashed by the succession of regressive regimes none any more worse in my opinion than labor hating wacky jr, sell out campbell, and cash in CC.... if we don’t get rid of first past the post this time around I expect another succession of regressives possibly worse than we have already seen, cheers

  14. I was about to vote in my first election when Dave Barrett was candidate for the old CCF party in the Dewdney Riding. A manager of one of the local banks called the staff together before election day and exhorted us all to vote for Social Credit because it would be a disaster to vote in one of those Commies. (The current 'lefty' term wasn't in vogue then.

    Needless to say, I didn't listen to the blowhard as my parents knew Dave and was still smiling when I went back to work.

    Unfortunately, it was the IWA workers that put Dave out of office, fuming because he has ordered them back to work and I'm thinking that it will again be union executives to send Horgan down the road with their insistence that Site C should be built.
