Sunday, February 25, 2018

Your Daily Felice Brothers....Fifty-Eight To Nothing.


C. turned 58 this weekend.

Which meant that there was a pretty good multi-generational party at our house on Saturday night.

For all kinds of reasons, including the fact that it was also a bon voyage for (no longer so) littler e. who, now that she is pretty much done with her full time working and slaving for the man during her gap year, is getting ready to head off to tap dance her way across Europe for awhile.

All of which is just another way of saying that a good time was had by all.

Not quite as good a time as the folks below.

But a fun time nonetheless...

Fifty-eight to nothing?....You bet.



  1. Surprised you can (at your age) still write after a good party!

  2. Ha!

    'Twas a multigenerational party that did not require the consumption of large amounts of liquid stuff that would impair next day writing.


  3. hence your "not quite as good as the Felice Bros" comment!

  4. Well....

    Maybe as much fun as brother James on accordion.

    But nowhere near as much fun as the man in the yellow hat who just happens to be Conor Oberst (ask your kids).


  5. grats to you both..............birthday C., the writer, the time marches on............

  6. Happy Birthday to C! How exciting for E!

    A multigenerational party is so much fun!!
