Saturday, February 09, 2019

Note To Puffed-Up Pro-Punditry....The Wood Splitter Will Not Sink Us.


As everybody in Lotusland knows, the legend of the log-splitter has totally consumed the punditry.

And, why not.

It is after all an easy sell with a nice lazy pay-off for everyone involved, everytime.

But have you heard nearly as much about, say, this story?


In the thread to the tweet directly above, Mr. Palmer of the Sun defends he and his by noting that the deferral story has been 'reported many times' since 2011....Indeed.
Subheader got you scratching your head?....Well....How about we let the Keef explain?
And don't worry...We'll get back to Ron Obvious in a minute or three as well.



  1. BC Legislature Library search:
    BC Hydro Deferral Accounts 5 hits

    BC Legislature Library search:
    Deferral 20 hits BC Hydro and Coastal Ferries

    BC Legislature Library search:
    Deferral Coastal Ferries 5 hits

  2. They still cannot bring themselves to report any sort of crap done by Liberals. It has become so blatant that no one seems to care. Look at the 24 hr desk for Glen Clark's deck and almost nothing on BC Rail, and down right dodgy on Health Care Initiatives. They; Baldery, Palmer and crew should have been escorted out of the Leg with Lenz and James,

  3. Wait just a darn minute here. Lenz and James were given options by the Speaker and his Chief of staff. Sneak out or grandstand.

  4. Palmer could have saved some time and just tweeted, “Look! A squirrel!”

    If there’s any money left for maintenance at the Legislature someone might want to throw a protective tarp over our log splitter.

  5. All the article got was Palmer's column. However, we didn't see the headlines we ought to have. The T.V. stations were reporting on shootings, car accidents, and money laundering. what they ought to have been reporting on is the B.C. Hydro mess. The NDP ought to give it some traction and advertising because if they don't come the next election you can bet palmer and his friends in the MSM will run attack articles blaming the NDP for a $60Billion debt over at Hydro. Put the blame where it is, in big loud letters. its one of the reasons we need a corruption inquiry. It may clarify what has been going on at B.C. Hydro. good accounting it was not!

    The B.C. Lieberals are running ads to find new candidates to run in the next election. The Greens and NDP might want to run ads telling the public all of those future B.C. Lieberals will have to know a bit more about accounting than the past and present group have. given Wilkinson was on board for part of the time this was going on, what does he have to say. Don't see anyone from Global asking him about that during the 3 minutes he was given on Nanaimo's election night.

  6. the log splitter, lets raffle it off. I'd buy a ticket. use the money to pay for it. It would be fun.

  7. Maybe they shudda bought a snow blower instead?

  8. And doubles as a manure remover?

  9. for removing manure you need a front end loader. it weighs too much for a snow blower.
