Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Whackadoodle And Me.


The Whackadoodle and I got to the beach early this morning.

The wind was up, out of the West as the high started to build after last night's sprinkle of warm summer rain.

And the tide was out.

Way, way out.

In fact, while I haven't checked the tables (I'll leave that to my Dad), I'd be willing to bet that it might have been one of the lowest tides of the year.

While she likes rolling in the wet sand of the bar, I'm pretty sure the Whackadoodle likes higher tides better because that she can swim whenever the desire strikes.

Me, it doesn't matter either way because I'm just there to throw sticks and work on new tunes on the beach guitar as we wander about.

This morning we pretty much got yet another Felice Brothers tune down pat...

Regardless how early we get to the beach on a Saturday morning we never beat an old couple who walk all the way out to the breakwater at the end of the North Arm of the Fraser every day...If we're lucky we run into them both coming and going...


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