Thursday, August 29, 2019

All Their Bathtubs 'R Them.


"My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years," he says, "to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."


The BC Liberal Party seems to think they might get some traction with their latest smear if they appeal to their better angels.....errrr....influencers:

But here's the thing.

Even the Dean of the Legislative Press Gallery, the VSun's Mr. Vaughn Palmer, was able to call this one, straight-up, with no cynical 'both-sides' shading three years ago:

...(The BC Liberal government) ordered ICBC to begin accumulating substantial capital reserves as part of the effort to “level the playing field” with private insurers. But by late in the decade the reserves had generated huge surpluses, raising a debate about what to do with the money.

The ICBC board recommended giving it back to the customers. The surplus existed because they’d paid, or rather overpaid, for their auto insurance. So the board said the money should be returned in a one-time rebate, pro-rated to folks with the best driving records.

The Liberals greeted this recommendation with only slightly less contempt than if the board had suggested flushing the cash down the toilet in the executive suite.

Give the money back? To the public? Were they nuts?

Enter the ICBC dividend, accounting euphemism for the cabinet orders that siphoned hundreds of millions of dollars out of the ICBC accounts and deposited them into the provincial treasury. At a time of economic retrenchment, the money helped pay for programs and reduce the operating deficit.

Then came another money transfer, no less politically expedient than the first, which saw funds diverted from the optional reserves to hold down rates for basic insurance. The combined tab for these two accounting dodges is $2.6 billion and counting...


One can only wonder...

If this one fails, will the braintrust backing the good Mr. Wilkinson decide to blame Joy McPhail for facilitating the sale of BC Rail by failing to file an FOI request?



  1. and then they flew too close to the sun?

  2. Anyone seen any “British Columabians” lately?

  3. omg, that B.C. Lieberal ad is a hoot! If the B.C. Lieberals had run ICBC as it ought to have been there would have been reserves for times such as this, but el gordo and Christy, just couldn't help wanting to get their grubby hands on it. we can thank the B.C. lieberals for the mess ICBC is in today.

  4. Anon-At-The-Top--

    Too close, indeed.






    It will be most interesting to see if fine proMedia folks re-call this out for real if the BCL brainstrust try to make it an election issue down the road.

