Sunday, August 25, 2019

Is There Anything More Melancholy Than...


...An Em chord played off the Key of C in the dying, end of summer red sky night?

Hit me like a ton of bricks as I was going through the progression for this tune while walking down the alley with the Whackadoodle before bedtime:

The Whackadoodle turned 11 this summer and she's in tough with a congenital heart valve condition that has worsened over the last six months or so...It's causing fluid to back up in her lungs. She still likes to run the beach on Saturday mornings though...Just takes her most of the rest of the weekend to recover...



  1. It is somewhat peculiar that the world spent almost a couple of centuries working to eradicate diseases via vaccines. Hundreds of millions were saved. Now we have a bunch of first world "idiots" wanting to go back to the days of death for children.

    Vaccines work because of what they call "herd immunity". Why people would want to endanger their children or those of others, is beyond me.

    Sometimes I think these rabid anti vaccinationers just need a cause. In some cases, its the American attitude, no government is going to tell me how to raise my kids. All I can say is, wait until your kid dies from something the child could have been vaccinated against.

    I am old enough to remember when polio vaccines came into being. I can remember starting elementary school and one of my class mate's father had died of the disease and their mother confined to a wheelchair for life.

    the violence associated with this issue, is not so different from what we see in the gun issue, the anti abortion issue, etc.

    It is hoped the Govenor signs the bill. If people don't want to vaccinate their kids, fine, they don't go to school or any other group situations. They don't have the right to "kill" other people's children or adults who can not have vaccines due to other existing medical conditions.

  2. Used to watch Ice Pilots and the episode that chronicled the passing of Jojo brought a tear to my eye. None of the decisions those pilots made during the years involving life-threatening midair situations held a candle to the summoning of the vet.
