Tuesday, April 28, 2020

If Jonas Salk Flew In Today.....


First, from the front page of today's digital grey lady...

Second, from crazy town...

Finally, from the poll-fevered, chart-busting minds behind USA Today...

Nearly one-third of Americans believe a vaccine already exists to prevent coronavirus infection but is being withheld from the public, while nearly half believe the COVID-19 virus was created in a lab...


You know, I wonder...

If Jonas Salk flew in today, would the media tell us that 'some experts argue that the Polio virus is not actually a serious threat to human health and wellbeing'?

The irony here is that a number of vaccines are now starting to enter early stage clinical trials....And if one of them hits a home run soon, will Mr. Trump's GOP-stopped America even be able to distribute it to everyone, regardless the letter after their governor's name, in a timely and orderly manner?



  1. I remember polio. I remember people living in iron lungs. I remember going to elementary school with children whose parents had died of it. I knew people who had it as children and limped. Polio killed. Parents were terrified their kids would get it. Then Salk and his vaccine. Parents were thrilled. I lived through the polio thing. If anyone thinks it isn't a serious health risk to people, perhaps they;d like to experience a dose of it, the disease.

    If a vaccine is created, it is doubtful all Americans would be able to have the vaccine due to a lack of money, the inabiliy of the American government to distribute and vaccinate in a timely manner. You'd probably have third world countries which would have their entire populations vaccinated before half of the u..s. a does. The USA has become a failed state. If there is a new pres. who also controlls Congress, some improvements might be made but we can't be sure. Democrats in Congress opposed a government medical system when they controlled both Houses.

    for many who don't believe some diseases can kill, they're just to blind to see. While Bill Gate and his foundation have managed to get any number of diseases under control in third world countries, measles became a thing again in Canada and the U.S.A.

    I'd like some of those politicians who want to re open the country to have a nice bout of COVID 19. see how they like it. We've all had bladder infections and people describe it as "pissing razor blades". Well breathing with COVID 19 has been described as breathing razor blades.
    If trump thinks bleach, etc is so great, let him take a shot of it to demonstrate how well it deals with the human body. for the mayor of vegas, let her walk around a COVID 19 ward. all of these people talk a lot but they all avoid the diseases. As to those who want to go back to work, fine, but I'd suggest child welfare seize your children. You're endangering their lives.

  2. Just so Trump knows a little bit more about American history..... Lee Harvey Oswald used Lysol on his bullets. Lysol was the killer not the .....
