Monday, April 27, 2020

Our Monday Pick....Tune-Yards.

I do not have a hip-ness bone in my entire body.

However, every once in awhile I stumble into such things, usually somewhere out on the edge of MusicVille.

This happened a while back with Tune-Yards, a wonderfully inventive project of Merrill Garbus and her musical partner Nate Brenner.

The core of how they do things, layer-by-layer, can be seen in the video above, but there are all kinds of way more riotous examples of them going berserk in the tubes.

And if you want to see them present tense, up close, they'll be doing a livestream tomorrow/Tuesday afternoon at about 4:20pm.

NPR has an eclectic listing of upcoming musical livestreams....Here.
What sent me back to the works of Ms. Garbus in the here and now?...Well, I was listening to the New Yorker radio hour on the weekend and learned that she does their theme music.




  2. Anon-Above--

    Whenever the geezers get together to play, inevitably the two real guitar players go off on an SRV tangent that lasts 15 or 20 minutes.

    Me, I just sit down, open a beer and enjoy it, safe in the knowledge that the my fingers will never, ever be able to even remotely be able to get anywhere near that sh*t.

