Monday, May 18, 2020

Mr. Black's Bloviating Biliousnous Billows Over.


Idiot Blogger, errrrr, Big Corp Legacy Media Columnist, Mr. Black, formerly of Cross Harbour, thinks his fellow British and Canadian corp media types have gotten Mr. Trump, formerly of Atlantic City, all wrong:

...The British and Canadian media are even more hopeless than usual reporting about America, as I have remarked before. The Financial Times this week, with almost impenetrable obtuseness, declared that the Justice Department’s withdrawal of charges against Gen. Michael Flynn is the “politicization of justice.” Last Saturday in the Globe and Mail, my accomplished and politically centre-left friend of over 50 years, historian Margaret MacMillan, lamented in an opinion piece about the coronavirus that President Trump is too incompetent to deal with any crisis, a widely held but uninformed opinion. On Thursday in the same paper, John Ibbitson quoted Canadian academics who claimed that Trump has “given up,” and that “irrational” people had taken over the Republican party in a “fearful, angry, insular, nativist … coup.” This is just drivel...

And why have Mr. Black's fellow media types gotten things wrong?

Well,  because something, something, something, jungle, 'technical insolvency'!

...In the American jungle, justice has always been politicized, going back to President Thomas Jefferson’s spurious charge of treason against Aaron Burr, his former vice-president, in 1807. The magnificent National Gallery was created and endowed by former treasury secretary Andrew Mellon as part of an arrangement by which Franklin D. Roosevelt withdrew questionably motivated charges of tax evasion against Mellon. The America of Walt Disney and Norman Rockwell exists, but it doesn’t represent much of America. In 2016, the “OBushinton” post-Reagan coalition of the relatively think-alike bipartisan establishment was represented by the Bushes, as president and vice-president, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama for nine straight terms (in the previous nine terms there had been eight unrelated presidents). Trump, having made billions of dollars in a very tough industry, having come back from technical insolvency, having become and remained a great television star for 14 years in a format he devised and having been one of America’s great sports and entertainment impresarios, and after changing parties seven times in 13 years, became the only person never to have held any public office or military command to be elected president of the U.S...

Somehow,  I reckon that if we were to stop propping up the hedgefund vampires sucking the life out of Postmedia tomorrow, the former Lord-In-The-Crosshairs would very likely fail the sign-up test for a blogspot account by Wednesday.




  1. "Trump, having made billions of dollars in a very tough industry, having come back from technical insolvency, having become and remained a great television star for 14 years in a format he devised and having been one of America’s great sports and entertainment impresarios..."

    Somebody drank the Kool-Aid.


  2. Mr. Black has a pardon to repay, and is working it off in the only currency he has left. One he knows is very highly valued by his temporary idol.

    His offerings are no more credible than those shouted by the Trump cultists at a MAGA rally. He just uses more high falutin words to debase himself.

    Mr. Black’s reputation is irreparable, but not immune from further degradation. He’s in a hole, but can’t stop digging.

  3. If Conrad "the felon" Black is still residing in Canada, he should not be!

  4. Search Results
    Web results

    Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other: Black, Conrad ...

  5. My first thought was, how much are they paying Black to write that shit?.

    black seems to have forgotten all the working people trump ripped off, when he went into this "bankruptcies". He seems to forget all the allegations of sexual assault--one of them he is admitting on air as he gets off a bus".

    Most Canadian are not going to believe any of what Black writes. Makes you wonder why the newspapers print the "shit". Oh, lets check to see who the share holders are. I would suggest Black be ashamed of what he has written but then men like black know no shame. Its all about them and their own "class" of what they consider "elites". Most of them couldn't get a real job if they tried. They're vile compost stuck to the bottom of our shoes. Black is lucky to be in this country. He did give up his citizenship so he could be "lord' black. lord load of shit is more like it.

    We have most likely all read that the federal government is providing "financial assistance" to the "legacy" press. if it is so they can print this type of shit, I want my tax dollars back or sent some where else, like a food bank. If the legacy "press" can't make it on their own, they have no business being in business. Don't we read enough from the "legacy" press how there should be smaller government, less support for those in need. Well in my opinion, we start with the "legacy" press. Food and medical care for kids is more important than supporting newspapers who print the crap Black spews, in my humble opinion., truly I do believe that.......
