Thursday, July 30, 2020

Sunday Set (Reprised)...Long May She Run.

July 30th: Hi All...We're away for a few days, mostly at the beach...Sure am missing the Whackadoodle...Just putting this back up to the top as this particular Sunday Set will soon be cycling off the server...We've got a new one in the works.


My best beach buddy, Rosie the Whackadoodle, is no longer with us.

In the end she had a good and pretty long run.

Bigger E. joins me for this Sunday Set which is made up of...

Long May You Run  - Uncle Neil's ode to his first hearse mobile.

Dope City Blues - A collaboration with Mr. Beer 'N Hockey and We.

Angel From Montgomery - Mr. Prine.

Alabama Pines - by a still-then-looking-for-home Jason Isbell. 

Mercy - (all of) The Felice Brothers.

This is the tree crazy kitty kat (not) fat going after the Whackadoodle's collar the other day...Photo by littler e.


  1. Very sorry to hear this, Ross. The damned beasts give a lot of love, and receive just as much back.

    I've loved and lost 4 times in my life, and know how hard it is when the end times come.


  2. My condolences to you and your family on the loss.

    As you say, she had a good long run and it was very obvious from your chronicles that she was much loved and included in the family’s activities. All pets should be so lucky.

  3. Sorry to hear your dog is gone. I hope the Hammer gave her a warm greeting on the other side.

  4. Very sorry to hear that Rosie has passed. Those of us humans who love dogs, cats and other pets will say goodbye to several in their lifetimes.

  5. I am so sorry that your companion and friend has passed. When our pets pass on, there is huge hole left in our hearts. Our pets love us, make us happy, make the whole family laugh.

    The picture is lovely. Thank you for sharing and letting us know.

  6. The Whackadoodle is in doggy heaven telling all of her new friends what a great life she had and the folks she spent it with.

    When we make a happy life for another soul that’s the very best in us.

  7. Thanks Everyone--

    Actually happened about a month ago - couldn't bring myself to write about her for awhile.

    I reckon there might be a stick chase or two with the Hammer over there somewhere.


  8. Scotty on Denman3:05 pm, August 02, 2020

    Oh, it’s always so hard to lose a canine friend. I’ve had so many (farm-boy), and so many I’ve had to put down myself I should know “Old Shep” by heart by now!

    The nice people who bought my old place in the woods let me visit anytime, both my last batch of hounds buried there. I go and tend the metasequoia I planted by their resting places. They used to sit up there on a high promontory for hours, could hear all around, and there was a boarding kennel across the road. I’d sometimes watch them (father and daughter team) listen to the mournful baying of boarded dogs in the distance—they’d cock their heads and reassure each other with nose rubs like I never saw them do anywheres else in the 20 (jointly) years I knew them.

    Now, many years later, when I go up there I see the bucks have been bedding down on the exact same spot, right on top of the remains that, in life, would have eaten a deer for breakfast, and another for dinner. But it’s because they’d found by trial and error the very best spot to see and hear all around the area—and all around the cosmos, now,—how I like to think of it.

    Now I’m too old to care for a dog properly. We were just remarking that even our kids’ and grandkids’ dogs are now also ancient and gray! So I go to the beach to enjoy other people’s dogs. That’s just fine, too! And no vet bills, either! (Heh, heh, heh...!)

    Condole with you. Keep those memories!

  9. Oh, man, Scotty - that's exactly what I did at Sandwell Beach on Gabriola the other day....Found someone else's dog to play with - a puppy named 'Shadow' who let me play fetch and chase with him....Needless to say, I got a little carried away.

    Thanks for another fantastic comment!


  10. Hello Ross. I am so sorry to hear about Rosie.
    Pets. As they say, "dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole."

    This setlist is wonderful.

  11. Thanks very much Karen.

    Great to hear from you!

