Monday, July 13, 2020

The Smear Merchants Of Death.


It is an old political axiom that you only smear those you fear most.

But in olden times (i.e. back when societal norms still meant something) that axiom only applied to one's political rivals.

In the land of Trump, however, that is no longer the case. Even when lives are on the line.

Margaret Haberman in the New York Times has the story which appears, in true insider accessian fashion, to have been written as an anonymous source-fuelled response to an earlier leak-driven story in the Washington Post.

Here is Ms. Haberman's lede:

President Trump’s advisers undercut the nation’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, over the weekend, anonymously providing details to various news outlets about statements he had made early in the coronavirus outbreak that they said were inaccurate.

The move to treat Dr. Fauci, who has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for decades, as if he were a warring political rival came as he has grown increasingly vocal in his concerns about the national surge in coronavirus cases, as well as his lack of access to Mr. Trump over the past several weeks. It has been accompanied by more measured public criticism from administration officials, including the president...

It would seem to me, given the graphic below of the lagging indicator (in black, from the digital front page of today's NYT) moving upward once again, that this alone should be impetus enough to drive all thinking USians, regardless their political stripe, to do their darndest to ensure that Mr. Trump and his lickspittles are no longer in power come January.


In case you missed it....Here is today's Morning Audio:



  1. dont ...the messanger?

  2. RossK, way back in April when your outrage meter ran over you said,

    “And anyone who normalizes these words, actions and deeds, by going along to get along, even if their intentions are noble, is just making it worse.

    And by anyone, at this point I have to very reluctantly, with great regret, include Anthony Fauci.”

    And I responded,

    “Could not agree more with your comment about Dr. Fauci.

    Can’t think of anyone who has worked for Trump that has had their reputation enhanced through that association. Some go to jail, some quit in exasperation, some are fired, and some hang in there in obsequious hope they alone will survive the experience. But all, without exception, are forever tarnished.

    Dr. Fauci could become the exception by throwing down the gauntlet in the public interest. But his time to act is short, and I fear his leash is even shorter.”

    It seems that throwing down the gauntlet one finger at a time served neither the public interest nor Mr Fauci’s self interest.

    As we predicted.

  3. Lew--

    Personally, I think the time has come for Fauci to just start holding his own daily update/press conference regardless whether this leads to his firing or not.

    Anyone who stays on now is a collaborator.


  4. RossK, you’re right.

    Staying on lends a tiny bit of undeserved credence in some minds to Trump’s nonsense. Getting fired will plant the seeds in those same minds that he’s done something wrong and is in some way to be blamed for the out of control pandemic.

    His better course of action since the day it became apparent his opinion wasn’t valued in the White House has always been to say he can’t work with Trump due to his inability to grasp the serious nature of this horrible virus, and resign.

    He won’t lack for a daily platform to inform the nation; all networks will compete to cover his message.

    Some have suggested he could hold a daily news conference with Joe Biden. Wouldn’t that be interesting.

  5. Agreed Ross, the stuff with Dr. Fauci is appalling but very much par for the course. Just when a new low is found, they find another.

    Darn right get rid of trump and the lickspittles, however, that will require the dem. voters to turn out en. masse. and not rely on swing voters or never/disaffected trumpers, who are a bonus. They didn’t turn out in 2016, trump won with less votes than Romney got in 2012, and McCain in 2008. Then beat him so decisively that there can be no wriggle room for trump to weasel a way of staying in office, or pull some kind of stunt between voting day and mid- December or so when the electoral college certify the result.

    The lickspittles go all the way down the ticket, so not just the white house, senate and house, but also state governors and governments who have we have seen in many of the republican states, have more in the say of who gets to vote ( voter suppression) who gets elected and when ( gerrymandering) and a direct influence on life and death.

  6. Trump and his people see a real need to get rid of Dr. Fauci. they're trying to get him to resign and he will. they all eventually go. He was foolish to stick around because trump and his gang were never going to do what was right for their country,. Dr. Fauci ought to have had his own press briefings or gone to work for one of the States which was on board with what needed to be done. His leaving would have said way more because in the end, staying didn't accomplish anything, except perhaps add to his pensionable years and income.

  7. 1 min video
