Monday, July 20, 2020

Your Morning Audio...Travelling In America.


When I was a teenaged kid we piled in our 1970 VW (notso) Microbus and drove to Idaho to visit relatives.

I was reading 'All The President's Men' at the time and my learner's license allowed me to drive, lots, on the freeways.

Still, the trip did not really change my perception of travelling in America which had by then already long been set by Paul Simon's 'America' (covered awhile back, here).

It was a view of things that wouldn't change much until C. and I moved to California years later.

More recently, a tune by a kid named Conor Oberst, who likes to hang out with another favourite, The Felice Brothers, became my new travelling in America song on the strength of one verse, a few chords, and some truth...


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