Monday, October 05, 2020

Political Psychopathy, Defined.


From Justin Rohrlich in the Daily Beast:

U.S. (Trump Party) Senator Ron Johnson tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday. But, after finding out he had the virus, which has killed more than 220,000 Americans to date, the Wisconsin Republican still chose to attend an Oktoberfest fundraising dinner that evening...


...“I feel fine, I feel completely normal,” he said in a conference call with reporters, adding that he didn’t “stick around” to mingle at the dinner...


What is actually wrong with these people?



  1. I think the answer is simple- these monsters think that the worst of the disease attacks the weak, the poor, people of colour only- they are invincible because their god-of-greed is on their side. Sick as it sounds, I think that's the truth otherwise if it had been killing off the political class, the US would've had the best covid response on the planet. BC Waterboy

  2. Excellent point BCW--

    I hadn't thought of the manifest health care destiny hypothesis - but it certainly is supported by the data.


  3. thers candlelighting and thers gaslighting

  4. I agree with what is wrong with these people. The scary part of this whole fiasco is they are running the country! No one I know can fathom the thinking of these people. Watched SNL and have to agree with Chris Rock time to make some fundamental changes or we are going to hell in a hand basket.

  5. Booey--

    I think CRock made a valid point. However, I wonder if, perhaps, the 'entertainment' value of this thing, even when in the form of a treatment by SNL, is actually making things worse in that it gives license to some folks to just laugh it all off.


  6. Hey Roos
    Excellent point about the entertainment value making things worse, I tend to agree. SNL is a good example, but these people in govern. produce enough fodder for political cartoonist and skit shows like SNL it can't be helped. The big "but" in all this is it's making into a three-ring circus and we laugh at something extremely serious!!! At what cost these jokes.
