Friday, November 13, 2020

Cullen Inquiry...Three Way Showdown Coming Down.


Ian Mulgrew of the VSun is reporting that there is a big showdown coming at the Cullen Inquiry. Here is his lede (and a wee bit more):

Former Solicitor-General Kash Heed will get his showdown on Tuesday with the former Mountie who trashed him and former cabinet colleague Rich Coleman at the B.C. Commission Into Money Laundering.

The former RCMP officer-in-charge of the Integrated Illegal Gaming Enforcement Team from 2005 until December 2007, Fred Pinnock, told the commission he tried to warn Coleman about the infiltration of organized crime in casinos starting in 2009, but was spurned...


...When pressed for evidence, Pinnock produced secret recordings from 2018 in which he claimed Heed confirmed those 2009 allegations.

Scandalized, Heed demanded the right to appear at the commission to cross-examine the man who described himself as a former colleague and friend. Cullen said he deserved the opportunity...

Meanwhile, again, courtesy Sean Holman, circa 2010... Here is what we believe should now and forever be, Exhibit 1A:



For more context,
Sam Cooper has a very good Twittmachine thread...Here.



  1. Weather the numbers dont add up or do.. it feels like ,sometimes in
    BC/Canada, there is perfidy and f#$kery afoot.

  2. Anon-Above--

    It would appear that there a whole lot of hockey bags, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, filled with bundled twenties to tally.

    And, for the record, 'perfidy' is a very good word as it kind of sounds like what it actually is/describes!


  3. What concerns me about this commission is after all has been said, very little will be done. A statement of findings that amount to; “Money laundering was and still is going on but we will take steps to ensure this will never happen again.” No one will be held accountable,.

    But hey, all that dough sloshing made the libs. look good without lifting a finger. The same million bucks going through 3 different people, a casino and a couple of dodgy banks, 3 million in economic activity. Reverse the process, another 3 million in economic activity. Move along, nothing to see here.

  4. I hope Commissioner Cullen and his team binge watched Ozark in preparation for this gig.

    If so, they’ll recognize and be ahead of the plot.

  5. Son of BCTV News cant take this issue seriously unless it can be shown mr. Coleman has a cancelled cheque for some minor patio alterations and a jack knife was exchanged in appreciation

  6. well its about time these two faced the music. They will be pointing the finger at each other and nothing will happen to either. They will still take there mla pension checks to the bank each month, and put it with the rest of the money they grafted from the drug dealers, Oh i just came to a liberal apifeny these dealers are just people and the Christy Clark ministers always look after people earning a living and employers who hire the less educated. Well done libs, we will have to vote you guys back in next election and lower unimployment again.


    Q All right. The result in -- I'll tell you because I know -- that was that the Criminal Code was amended and the permissive sections of the Criminal Code that permit gaming to occur and not be a criminal offense included prior to that time among other exceptions but the principal ones were gaming conducted on behalf of the Federal Crown, gaming conducted on behalf of the provincial crown?
    A Mh-hmm.
    Q And then the charitable exception that gave rise to raffles and bingo and casino and we see exist in the province today in addition to what the provincial government operates through the lottery corporation.
    A Yes.
    Q And so in 1985 in return for a funding arrangement and I don't mean this in terms of a contract but there was an arrangement made with the provinces that saw an undertaking and obligation to funneled the winter Olympics in Calgary and the federal government at least withdrew itself from the field?
    A Mh-hmm.
    Q Would you agree with the characterization that had the federal government at that time appreciated the many billions of dollars of revenue which are now drawn both to the charitable sector on the provincial government sectors across the country annually, that they wouldn't have withdrawn from the field completely at the price they did had they foreseen what a large economic force gaming was to become?


  8. NVG so you think all that money was from the gambling that was going on in the casino. Well you probably ride a unicorn. You are really a die hard liberal. You probably think that Horgan is the devil and has risen from hell.

  9. Anon-Above--

    I think you likely misunderstood NVG's comment and thus jumped to the wrong conclusion a little hastily.

    As such, you may want to click through on his link....Here.


  10. comfortable with the decision he was making? ya, in a pigs eye. Turn off the sound, then watch. Coleman is about as uncomfortable as a guy caught in bed with his neighbour's wife, by the neighbour and his own spouse. He's peddling as fast as he can but the dance steps just aren't working.

    It is sad we can't go and watch. It would have been the best show in town.

    Over the years Coleman has not looked comfortable in a whole lot of situations, but this one, about the most uncomfortable.

    Whatever happened to the Timber West and other lawsuit over here in Nanaimo. I remember reading about the case coming up, but didn't hear anything after that. Now it is true I didn't research much after hearing from the local newspaper, they didn't have enough staff to cover the trial, but it would be nice to know.

    This is one house of cards which is going to tumble down, but in my opinion, no one is going to wear this for long or at all. Coleman will be finished. I expect they will hang this all on him but nothing on el gordo or Christy but then it was most likely that coleman ran a lot of the government during those years.

    Heed wanting to cross examine the "witness", that will be fun. I'd pay money to watch. Heed is smart, but the witness seems pretty well entrenched in their version of events and in my opinion, he may be the guy who is telling the truth and if he and Heed get in to an "argument/shouting match" my money is on the former cop.

    I still wonder where the Richmond RCMP were in all of this. Who was heading the detachment during this time, where did they come from, who did they go fishing with. Was there any connection to Polson and the head of the Surrey detachment. Yes, there are many questions.

    If people who went to that Casino, who were ordinary citizens, knew there was something wrong, you could see it in the parking lots, how could the security of the casino and the Richmond RCMP not know. You had to be blind. You know there is an old song about being blind, I'll try to come up with the name. Oh, now I remember it has a line, I'd rather be blind, just can't remember the rest of the song. Time to go check out the C & w. blogs.

    Its nice that Sam is doing all this work now, but where was Post Media when it was all going down. I'd put money on it that when this is all over the B.C. Lieberals/socreds, will use the term government over and over, leading some to believe, it was the NDP, not them.

    I was sitting on Vancouver Island in 2010/12 and knew what was going on, retired and restricting my news to what people told me and reading progressive blogs. I can recall a friend telling me prior to that (by about 5 years) they didn't go to that casino because it was just too weird and in their opinion sort of dangerous

    Is there some where you can watch this show on line?

  11. e.a.f. - link here to watch:

  12. Sean Holman weighs in:

    "To this day, I’ve often wondered what damage could have been prevented if more attention had been paid to Pinnock’s warning, the controversy surrounding his team’s disbandment, and early reporting by other journalists about British Columbia Lottery Corp.’s questionable response to money laundering in the province’s casinos.

    I have also wondered why Pinnock wasn’t interviewed for German’s report and why that report didn’t include some aspects of the controversy surrounding IIGET’s disbandment in its accounting of the team’s demise. Perhaps it’s because it wasn’t a fault finding exercise?

    But the bigger question is one that has been asked so many times before: Why did it take so long to fight casino money laundering in British Columbia? Hopefully, the Cullen Commission will be able to answer it."

  13. Who was the head of the RCMP's E Division then, and where are they now?
