Wednesday, January 13, 2021

And He Didn't Even Need To Make The Trains Run On Time...

The US House of Representatives today voted to impeach Donald Trump for the second time.

The State of Washington has ten representatives in that house. All seven Democrats and even two of the three Republicans voted for impeachment.

The lone Republican hold-out was Cathy McMorris Rodgers of the 5th district which borders on, as you may have already guessed, Idaho.

Here is how Ms. McMorris Rodgers justified her vote on her website:


Ms. McMorris Rodgers recognizes Mr. Trump for what he is and yet she still refused to do the right thing because of all the 'great' things Trump has done, sans trains and the schedules and all that.

Which is interesting given that Mr. Trump's historical brethren didn't actually deal with all that train-time continuum stuff either.

Imagine that!



  1. Ironically, none of said accomplishments by the good Washington Senator are even remotely true- free markets? (tariffs much) economic growth(biggest self induced recession in a generation) pro life? (most last minute executions, pulling babies from mothers etc etc). total ignorance to the worst pandemic in a century. The list goes on and on. All of this while turning a blind eye to the obvious unfitness, anti-leadership candidate ever. All of these excuses for him are beyond pathetic, payback's a bitch aint it Mr. Fake everything. BC Waterboy

  2. Ah yes... I-de-ho! is next door and isn't that where all those pore white guys with all those guns and bullets are holed up, still fighting the fact that women and black folk finally got the opportunity to earn a living that these lazy beggars still feel they were entitled do (just because most of them demonstrated an ability to chew gum and walk at the same time?

    Ms. Rogers' litany of excuses brought to mind one of many Eric Clapton songs that I still enjoy listening to: "I SHOT THE SHERIFF BUT I DID NOT SHOOT THE DEPUTY"

  3. If you take out the “pro life” part of the fictional accomplishments attributed to Trump, it sounds pretty much like what Obama actually did.

    Why didn’t she support him?

  4. watched a lot of it. some of those Republicans had me rolling on the floor with laughter. Yes, it was serious business, impeaching the President, but their rational for voting NO was funny. The one I liked best, they didn't want his supporters to be even angrier than they already were. One tried to justify the actions of the terrorists by saying the Dems started it, you know they said mean things about Trump, etc.

    Some of those seditionists were looking to hang Mike Pence. Mike Pence, is the V.P. of the U.S.A. I don't like his politics, but hang him. OMG, how crazy were those people.. I watched Trump's speech. He was the match and he threw himself on the oil. He did nothing to stop it once it started.

    Having watched video of the assault several time, you start to focus in on people's faces and you can tell they "meant business", as in they wanted to kill people, do them serious harm. Those terrorists weren't kidding around when they were trying to come through those doors. If the Republicans who did not vote to impeach Trump are re elected, they will live to regret it one day. If it does not stop now, it will be back and when it comes back, it will be really, really ugly. They themselves may wind up killed. these people have not really had to confront mob violence. they were escorted out by the Secret Service. AOC has an interesting video up about her experience.

    Pro life, my ass. Those people who Trump whipped up were going to kill Mike Pence. they wanted to hang him. Some of the "panic buttons" of Congress people had been removed from their offices. They murdered a cop and Trump started the fire and did nothing to stop it. He is the arsonist and he needs to go.

  5. The only bit missing from the highlighted part of the fence sit is; “we got our tax cut and judges”.

    There is so much to criticize about the hypocrisy of the republicans it would take forever, but it burns me to no end when they talk of “ pro life” which usually means keeping the funds coming in from the “ evangelical” crowd. After birth, they don’t seem to give a rats if one lives or dies. 3-4 thousand a day of souls dying from covid. lying to start a phony war. etc. etc.

    But hey trump was all in on law and order, next up Biden. Lets see how we can screw him over while coming together.
