Thursday, January 28, 2021

But What About The Bleach?


From Dylan Goforth writing at the independent journalism website 'Frontier' (which looks solid):

The Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office has been tasked with attempting to return a $2 million stockpile of a malaria drug once touted by former President Donald Trump as a way to treat the coronavirus...


...The state purchased the hydroxychloroquine stockpile in early April (of 2020), days after Trump began to tout it as a treatment. While many acknowledged at the time that reports of the drug’s effectiveness were purely anecdotal, Trump said at a briefing in March, “What do we have to lose? I feel very good about it.”...


...(Oklahoma Governor Kevin) Stitt wasn’t alone in his support of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus. In August, Rep. Justin Humphrey, R-Lane, promoted hydroxychloroquine as a viable treatment after he had contracted COVID-19.

Though the drug had been widely discredited at that point, Humphrey, who has recently made news for seeking to establish a Bigfoot hunting season in Oklahoma and made waves in 2017 when he referred to pregnant women as “hosts,” encouraged Oklahomans to “take courage and begin treating COVID with Hydroxychloroquine.”

All snark aside, imagine if these fine folks had  just encouraged the local citizenry to undertake basic public health measures instead of pushing an already discredited treatment to score political points with a psychopath.



  1. Everybody knows that Bigfoot never crossed the Rockies from B C and Washington, furthermore Bigfoot is an endangered species protected from any hunting, particularly while vacationing in our National parks.

  2. Steve--

    Bigfoot Nationalism or Regionalism or some such thing!

    (thanks for the laugh)


  3. I don't think stores take that sort of thing back. this ought to be fun to watch. guess they could use it for laundry, but if its got bleach in it, its not good for the enviornment. omg, these state governors are so dam stupid or they were simply trying to curry favour with the president and we do know some body made a lot of money selling that shit.

    Big Foot is usually in and around Harrison Lake taking full advantage of the hot springs at this time of the year. Big Foot is way smarter than those american govenors who couldn't figure out what science was or take the advise of real doctors, viroligists, etc.

    they could put the stuff in little vials and send it out to republicans as "gifts" for donating, sort of like Republican holy water or some sort of piss like that.
