Monday, February 01, 2021

Deplorable Is Too Weak A Word.


Los Angeles is running a massive drive-through vaccine delivery initiative in the parking lot of Dodger Stadium.

It is so big that they are vaccinating up to almost 8,000 people, which is more people than the province of British Columbia (scroll down), every single day.

And then, on Saturday, some super-fine folks of a deluded variety tried to put a stop to it.

Marisa Gerber and Ifran Khan of the Los Angeles Times have the story. Here is their lede:

Dodger Stadium’s mass COVID-19 vaccination site was temporarily shut down Saturday afternoon when about 50 protesters gathered at the entrance, frustrating hundreds of motorists who had been waiting in line for hours.

The Los Angeles Fire Department closed the entrance to the stadium — one of the largest vaccination sites in the country — for about an hour starting just before 2 p.m. as a precaution, officials said. Several LAPD officers also responded to the scene; a spokeswoman for the department said no arrests were made...

And, just in case you were wondering, here comes the part about this 'coalition' and their cloaking strategy:

...The demonstrators included members of anti-vaccine and far-right groups...


...A post on social media described the demonstration as the “Scamdemic Protest/March.” It advised participants to “please refrain from wearing Trump/MAGA attire as we want our statement to resonate with the sheeple. No flags but informational signs only.

“This is a sharing information protest and march against everything COVID, Vaccine, PCR Tests, Lockdowns, Masks, Fauci, Gates, Newsom, China, digital tracking, etc.”...




  1. some times i wonder if people are really that stupid. COVID is real, but convincing people not to get their vaccines or disrupting the process is a way of placing the U.S.A. in a position of further decline. thousands more dead. At this rate the graveyards are going to run out of space. The number of children left without parents must be staggering. the number of adults left raising children on their own because their partners died, grandparents raising their grandchildren because their adult children died.
    I recall a couple of people being brought to trial for talking some one else into suicide. In my opinion these anti vaccers and protestors fall under that category. it isn't free speech. those who were tried for convincing others to commit suicide didn't get off on the basis of the First amendment. You have to wonder who is paying who do to do what.

    Read an interesting article last evening regarding the 6 Jan rally. It reported Alex Jones contributed $50K to it, if he could speak in the order he wished to. Never did see that on the news, but there is a picture of him there speaking. another person who contributed was a grocery store heiress, to the tune of $300K. Don't think that the mob and insurrection was much of an accident.

    Some of them could just be conspiracy nut bars, but at some level you wonder what is really behind all of it and who benefits. who makes the money, who winds up with all the money in the end.

    Now we have 10 republicans who signed a letter to Pelosi that they want AOC to apologize to Cruz. perhaps the republicans think a good defense is a disgusting offense or that it might shut AOC up or deflect from the pressing business of passing bills. You really have to wonder.

  2. 'AOC' clarification. To those who are unfamiliar with current United States of America politics ... Republican lawmakers are demanding that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-C>ortez apologize to Sen. Ted Cruz for accusing him of almost having her murdered during the January 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill.

  3. If the repugnant’s take away from the Jan 6 is AOC should apology for “hurting” someones feelings, well, no good words.
    If fools, idiots, wilful saboteurs, jack asses, nut bars and lowest of low types want to continue to disrupt the good peoples trying to make sense and safety out of this lousy hand we’ve been dealt, I have no sympathy. Spare no rod. Turn on the fire hose, let loose the hounds. My patience is past gone.
    Those that organize, rabble rouse, instigate, rally and insight a crowd to throw a wrench in the works of folks getting access to a vaccine etc should be treated with the same disregard they have for others. If someone really doesn’t want a vaccine that would be their right but stay the flap jack away from anyone else wanting it. I see no reason to be nice or patient or understanding or amenable to those that perpetrate such actions. Nothing get the attention like a good punch in the nose.
    Thanks Ross, there was probably not any good words in the rest of that rant.

  4. An update, the cops will start arresting “ protestors”

    I could be out on a limb here but if Trump doesn’t get convicted re: impeachment, will this embolden more of the same with the accompanying maga etc. etc. paraphernalia on full display in some of the more user friendly states, and screams of first amendment rights.?
