Tuesday, March 16, 2021

A Potential Case Of Future Post-Vaccine (Musical) Envy...


Yesterday, we brought up the reason why there is absolutely no reason to have vaccine envy given that the only way for things to work is for everyone to get jabbed. Thus, the most vulnerable among us should go first.


I sure am envious of the folks who received an impromptu age appropriate post-jab concert in Berkshire, Mass the other day:

After Yo-Yo Ma received his second jab of a COVID-19 vaccine at Berkshire Community College Saturday, he transformed his 15-minute observation period into a concert for the newly inoculated.

The world-famous cellist and part-time Berkshires resident completed his vaccination course at the field house clinic, and he “wanted to give something back,” Richard Hall of the Berkshire COVID-19 Vaccine Collaborative told The Eagle.

Yo-Yo Ma took a seat along the wall of the observation area, masked and socially distanced away from the others.

He went on to pass 15 minutes in observation playing cello for an applauding audience, in what Hall called a “very special” concert that capped the day’s vaccination event...


So, who in your age appropriate group  that just might be in youor town when the time comes would you like to see set up shop to serenade you after you get jabbed on down the line.

Me, for Lotuslandian fellow travellers of a certain age bracket, I'm thinking of maybe The Pointed Sticks.



  1. Great stuff Ross, we need something cheerful.

    Emily and the lads mentioning the sun coming.


    However, if it has to be in my age appropriate group, LOL......

    My hero singing about his.


  2. "And I nailed the audish, but I didn't get it. Guess who did.

    Yo-yo ma's cousin, little "nepotis".

    Anyway, I just decided to give up and become a teacher, because those who can't do... Teach.

    And those who can't teach, Teach Gym."


    ^all I think about when I hear yo-yo ma's name. ok bye dad - e.

  3. Both great choices Keith!

    ...I was just thinking that the matching vintage would make it possible for them to be in the post-vaccine wait room with you (especially if they're local 'cause where else are they going to be? - certainly not out on the road!)


  4. LOL Ross, they are both kind of local bands for me.

    Bit of a stretch but I’m from the same part of England that Clapton is from and followed him from the local scene - John Mayall – Yardbirds - Cream. Metric was local when I was in T.O.

    I’m on the mid Island now so the local scene pickins are a tad slim.

  5. Aaaahhhh....

    So, for you Keith, like politics, all music is local.

    And while the pickings may be a little slim the bonus of being mid-island is that you are, well, mid-island!


  6. Flamin’ Groovies...”Shake Some Action”. You might want to check out what Griel Marcus has to say about this lost nugget in his book The History of Rock and Roll in Ten Songs. “Let me bust out at full speed”

  7. e!

    At least they haven't forced me to teach Gym.



  8. they got the vaccine and Yo Yo Ma? omg how fabulous is that. doesn't get much better than that in life. No one plays like him.

    mid island, if that is mid island, Vancouver Island, we could hope for Diana Kraul and her husband. I know they don't live here, but she did go to school here.
