Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Details On B.C.'s Vaccine Rollout.


Update: Tuesday March 10th - The date for making appointments for folks 85 and up has moved up to Wednesday March 11th (from Mon Mar 15th)

The age-based vaccine rollout in British Columbia has begun.

For this phase of the rollout, here's what you need to know if you are age 80 and higher:

Call your health authority beginning on the dates below; appointments for jabbing start the following week):
  • March 8, 2021: Seniors born in or before 1931 (90 years+) and Indigenous people born in or before 1956 (65 years+) may call to book their vaccine appointment;
  • March 11, 2021: Seniors born in or before 1936 (85 years+) may call to book their vaccine appointment; and
  • March 22, 2021: Seniors born in or before 1941 (80 years+) may call to book their vaccine appointment.

Where to call (7am to 7pm seven days a week):
Fraser Health: 1-855-755-2455 (and
Interior Health: 1-877-740-7747
Island Health: 1-833-348-4787
Northern Health: 1-844-255-7555
Vancouver Coastal Health: 1-877-587-5767

What you will need when you call:
-first and last name, date of birth, postal code
-Personal health number (it's on your care card, driver's licence, and/or your BC services card

Where you will go to get the vaccine - one of the immunization clinics in your area listed at the links below:

What vaccine will you get: 
As part of this phase of the rollout (i.e. Phase 2), despite Harvey O's scaremongering, you will get either the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccine.


If all this is just too much and/or driving you bonkers, you can have someone make the call for you to set up your appointment - this is what sons, daughters, grandkids and/or neighbours are for!

Don't believe me?...All the info you need is...Here.

(and if I missed something and/or got something wrong, I'm pretty darned sure longtime reader NVG will let us know)



  1. H.O. seems to have changed his tune. The last comment(s) was March 2, 2021. Maybe he's gone cruising to Alaska

  2. Your link "....Here" eg. 'I'm born in 1941 or earlier (80+)' etc. Interesting, the BC Gov website provides an example of where to look on 'your' BC Med card. Their example, includes a photo of a 'model' DL: Cook, Tamara Rosa DOB 1977-AUG-09

    I guess they couldn't find a living senior model who at least looks 80 or older to reinforce who is eligible for the vaccine. 1977 doesn't cut it.

  3. Thank you for that public service announcement, much appreciated. I’ve been passing on the info to the folks.

  4. Yesterday 1.7 million phone calls were made to attempt to book an appointment. 50,000 people were eligible to book an appointment. Granted, some people made multiple phone calls, but there must have been a lot of ineligible people trying to book an appointment. I suggest these people be taken behind the barn and given a good spanking. They are screwing up the system.

  5. HO's blog has become a real mess. A perpetually bitter runner up in the Order of Canada race , his comments have become a constant whine about Horgan/Trudeau performance. Trying to inject some reasonable debate into his comments section is like discussing Algebra with your dog.

    1. This comment is right on. I gave up on his blog a couple of years ago.

  6. I still read his blog, but find that he is quite critical of Trudeau and Horgan.

    there doesn't appear to be acceptance of the fact that this pandemic is the first "road show" of this nature since the Spanish Flu and the majority of politicians in Canada are doing the best they can. No one is going to be perfect. Not every one is going to be happy, but it is easy to arm chair quarterback.

    In my opinion, both Trudeau, Horgan, and their teams have done a good job given the circumstances they are working under.

    Do the critics of Horgan and Trudeau believe the opposition leaders would do a better job? I certainly don't.

    Its fine to have a difference of opinion, but constant critism gets no one anywhere.

    I'm just putting my feet up and waiting for my age group shot.

    I like that Vancouver Island Health is giving shots to the whole town if the population is under 4K. Its a model which would work well in all small towns in the province and might be more efficient.

    In my opinion Dix and Dr. Henry have done an admirable job. Kept us all pretty calm during the past year, When Horgan was first elected to office, the NDP had a lot of catching up to do in the health care field, given, in my opinion, the B.C. Lieberals had neglected it for years.

    When I think of the critism leveled at the NDP here in B.C. I just think of all the money laundering which went on in this province during the reign of the B.C. Lieberals. they were in office for 16 yrs or so and the problems in the care homes started on their watch. Horgan is left to clean it up.

    The lack of doctors in some parts of the province, that was 16 years of B.C. Lieberals.

    Homeless problems. Its not like the B.C. Lieberals did much of anything to solve that when they were in office nor did they do anything to deal with the drug/fent. crisis.

    I'm not a federal Liberal, however, in my opinion, Trudeau has done a good job. People tend to forget the P.M. of this country has to take into consideration the entire country and even though our population isn't large the country is massive. Think Dr. Amy Tam is great.

    So RossK thank you for the dates and information. time to go enjoy the sunshine here in Nanaimo.

  7. I think H.O. is just getting a little crotchety, much like many of the rest of us "seniors". As a BC'er, I think Trudeau and Horgan have done the best they can, but I can honestly say that I've heard enough of Justin doing his 'um" and 'ah" speech for now and have basically turned him off. Dix is probably the best informed of any Health Minister in my time and Dr. Bonnie doesn't see the need to be in front of the camera 24/7. I'm quite comfortable with all of that. As to other provinces across our great country, the Maritimes seems to be quite rational at keeping things under control.

    Ford in Ontario started off sound like a "new politician" but has since fallen off the wagon and acting like any Ford of old - his Minister of Health looks like she would rather be anywhere but in front of the camera and Jason in AB, well that's Jason as usual - I don't think anyone is surprised at his antics: a Covid pandemic? well, let's just cut the Health budget, privatize whatever we can get away with and p-off the Doctors. Par for the course.

    Me? I'm a retiree so I go out (complete w/mask) every 10 days or so to get groceries and my box of wine. I have my recipe box of 30 different dinners (all 4-6 servings and all must be capable of freezing) so I'm not likely to
    starve any day soon. Oh, and haven't filled up my gas task since Nov 14th.

    Always enjoy reading Ross' comments - no matter the subject. I'm just an old rock'n roller - still have my 1/2 ticket from seeing Elvis live at the old Empire Stadium.
