Saturday, April 03, 2021

Will Saturday Nights Be Alright Without Randy?


The grant applications went in on Thursday and, after a couple of sleeps, my brain is starting to recover.

Neither grant had anything whatsoever to do with viruses or vaccines which is not the least bit surprising given that, as noted previously, neither of those subjects is my specialty.

However, given recent developments, especially here in Lotusland (i.e. British Columbia's Lower Mainland), I am doing my best to get up to speed with the latest on the SARS-Cov-2 viral variants of concern and vaccine responses to them. Hopefully, if I can make reasonable sense of the rapidly evolving literature, I'll be able to write a coherent post soon.

In the meantime, now that we know for sure that Randy's Vinyl Tap has been officially cancelled, I thought now might be the time to point interested readers (here's looking at you E.G.) to a complete archive of a similarly themed but, dare I suggest superior, radio show called 'Theme Time Radio Hour' that the almost octagenerian Bob Dylan put together a few years ago.

Weirdly, it's hard to find Dylan's complete series on podcasting apps (at least the ones I use). Surprisingly, however, all 100+ episodes have been archived somehow by fans and enthusiasts (as opposed to a megamediacorporatocracitic entity)...Here.

Talk to you all soon

Subheader?...It used to be a weekly thing 'round here.
Thanks to everyone who has sent me variant info...It's been helpful...I'm really doing my best to stay away from the finger pointing/hockey team stuff and stick to reading the most pertinent scientific publications, including an important recent one by a local group at St Paul's. 



  1. Quite the baby faced Bob in the photo there. I’ve seen his Bobness in concert three times and always enjoyed the show. Great backing bands as well. A friend of mine got me going on him and gave me all the requisite listening. I do recall that at seventeen I bought the Long Train Coming album so I guess he was always on my radar. I have made a bookmark for Theme Time Radio and look forward to listening to it. Thanks for the tip.
    Some of his older albums had liner notes, as was the custom back then, and I always like that sort of thing. I imagine the radio show might be like that. I feel Bob is a musical genius as well as poet, story teller, dream conduit, song writer. But he don’t write protest songs. I think he may have but in a good way. It’s probably me and being shy and probably not having much in common with Bob that I can’t seen having much of a conversation with him, however, with Randy Bachman I could see it.
    I’ve enjoyed Randy’s show a lot over the years. I really like the stories about his different bands and how songs got made or what they were actually about. There was a good episode about the professional clappers. The people you’d bring in to do the clapping on a song. He told a story about how a Guess Who song was to have clapping and they kept telling the producer that they would do it. After a couple days they relented and brought in the Clappers. Night and day difference. A five digit cheque as well but done in a couple hours.
    A lot of good stuff about other bands and artists and the things they went through and the interconnectedness of much of it.
    How one thing or person or chance meeting begat another. He had a lot of good stories about touring and being on the road with other bands and the things that went on.
    For some reason I often found myself in the car for many of these shows and found it good company.

  2. finishing touches to a restoration of a classic Italian race bike while listening to the Theme Time Radio most of the day in the sun, followed a link then found “Oscar Isaac, Marcus Mumford, Punch Brothers - Fare Thee Well” that I’ve just heard for the umpteenth time.

    What a way to spend Easter Sunday. !!

    Cheers and Happy Easter Ross.

  3. Thanks for the tip about the radio show that Bob Dylan puts together I'll check it out.
