Saturday, April 10, 2021

You Have Not Heard This One Before...


And heckfire...

We even got the same lot on the same day!

(different pharmacies though - mine was at LD at 41st & Victoria)

Just a note that I've updated the eariler post about the rare and serious blood clotting events post-AZ vaccine inoculation to include the now published papers on one likely cause, and potential treatments, for the condition.
A group at Cambridge in the UK has put together a solid risk-reward analysis of getting the AZ vaccine... It tilts heavily towards the reward side with increasing age which, of course, is even more of a reason for semi-old folks like Mr. Wilkinson and myself to get this particular jab.
The European Medicines Agency is now investigating a still small number of reported blood clotting events that have been time-associated with Johnson & Johnson vaccine inoculation (scroll down)...Like the AstraZeneca vaccine this, too, is adenovirus-based (the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are not)...So...This is a subject you are likely to hear/read more about in the coming days, particularly given that the Sputnik and CanSino vaccines are also adenovirus-based...To be clear, however, at this point it is by no means certain that the adenoviral-delivery method is the, or even a, causal link to the rare, serious clotting events.



  1. you can cut that last comment of mine. We are living a time where is a lot of stress and I have no right to put him down in good times or bad

  2. Hold on a sec, here. Wilkinson is younger than me. I haven't been invited to get vaccinated yet. Why is he ahead of me?

  3. Gordie--

    In BC you can opt in to get the AstraZeneca vaccine now if you are between 55 and 65.

    Announcement, with list of pharmacies you can contact) is here.

    (AW is in his early 60's I believe)
