Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Real World Vaccination Efficacy Update For B.C.


British Columbia has started to release the COVID-19 case and hospitalization numbers broken down into folks who are not and who are vaccinated. Essentially the efficacy is similar to what we noted for Ontario a couple of weeks ago.

First, here are the numbers, per 100K per week (i.e. essentially all for the Delta variant given the recency) as analyzed by the CBC's Justin McElroy:

Thus, the protection is solid for full vaccination with some drop-off for protection for seniors - all of which is good. 

However, again, don't forget that the vaccinated can still be infectious even, potentially, if they are asymptomatic which means that the reason for masking and social distancing is to protect your friends, family members, colleagues and, well, pretty much everyone.

Meanwhile in Florida, concerns have been raised by the Miami Herald that the method of reporting the numbers for the very worst outcome have been changed recently.


1 comment:

  1. Read the article from Miami also. It was funny that the article is between two articles on the Little Mountain "steal". Politicians will be politicians regardless of what country they're in or what the issue is.

    When they had the first wave of deaths due to covid, DeSantis tried to keep the figures "secret". Many deaths were listed as pnemonia. I believe it was Empty Wheel who went back and checked deaths due to pnemonia for the previous 5 years and found them to be far less. She was then able to estimate how many more people had died due to COVID.

    You have to wonder how stupid DeSantis is. Hasn't he figured out people investigate these things and come up with more correct facts and figures. People will eventually figure things out when all those freezer trucks arrive to hold the bodies. People will figure it out what several people on each block in the city are suddenly dead. Bodies count and so do their relatives.

    Thank you for the additional information.
