Tuesday, September 07, 2021

The Songification Of Everything...


We spent the long weekend at our girls' Grandpops house.

To be super-safe we put a hotel suite in his driveway - turns out that you can rent folks' camping trailers as roaming Air B'nB' - type deals.

Anyway, it was a fun weekend, including a Sunday afternoon songification session with Bigger E.

Just in case it's not obvious from the above, you can find E's instantaneous and, more often than not, grammatically correct stuff...Here.



  1. Now that is good. The daughter has a lovely voice. Reminds me of some of the songs Joan Baez did when she was younger.

    The other guitar players, the gray haired guy, is that the same guy, who was in the picture you posted some years ago of you in San Franciso when the children were younger? If that PhD thing doesn't work out, there is always the guitar playing gigs.

    Thanks for sharing the music!

  2. E's Mom will like that comparison - Thanks e.a.f.

    As for the grey haired person...Afraid that the guitar skills have topped out at the fourth fret (at best) so will have to stick with current day job.


  3. Whenever I see these things, I think of the airport reunion video from years back. It also reminds me how much I loved reading Beer's stuff and how much I miss so many of the bloggers who have moved on. Deeply appreciated, the music, the comment, the science...a post day is a good day.

    (I plugged the old Strat into my Ampeg V-4 the other day and it gave me chills, even tried singing a touch, but gave it up quickly as it reminded me of Kottke's invocation of his voice being like geese farts on a muggy day.)

  4. Thanks so much Danneau - Ya, linear type blogging does seem to be fading a little...

    You can find the Airport video on the sidebar under 'Our Music'

    Great news about the Strat - Al Franken uses Kottke on his podcast all the time...no geese/no flatulence involved.


  5. Songification is a word?


    Its a technique that’s been successfully used to assist the vision impaired for some time. Its even possible to “listen” to your DNA in the form of a unique sound file. What you may not have heard of is “songification” (yep, there’s ‘g’ in there – […] https://kinomatics.com/tag/songification/

  6. Thanks again for bringing my poem to life. I’m in Alberta at the moment trying to do the same for Canada’s NDP.

  7. NVG--

    Darn it all...Thought I had made it up.



    Give 'em heckfire in the Albertalands.

    (E. wants to do the sawmill song poem next - might do that one electrified)

