Sunday, November 21, 2021

This Is The End...Of The 'Blog Crawl'


Today, as much as I know it is going to upset some regular readers, I decided to pull the plug on the 'Blog Crawl' that used to run over on the left sidebar. 

The crawl was a widget in the Blogger toolbox that pulled up and posted the latest from a list of self-curated blog sites in a running, daily tally.

Personally, it's what I used to look at first when I would log on to this site in the morning. Then  I would go through a cycle of pro/media news before finishing up at my own private Idaho of Twittmachine feeds.


Why end the Blog Crawl then?

Well, recently, I've been worried about two aspects of the thing.

First, Google/Blogger has wrecked/disabled (either on purpose or through neglect) the ability to edit the Crawl widget which means that you can't add new sites, correct sites that have changed their feed addresses, or remove sites you decide you no longer want to promote.

And it's that's last bit that led to my second, and biggest reason, for removing the Crawl.

Which is that, unlike, say, the Book of Faces, met or un-met(a), I do not consider this site to be just a platform. Instead, I consider myself, in my own very small way, to be an algorithmic decider and, therefore, a publisher.

Which means that I hold myself responsible for the choices I make about what shows up here, including the writings on a couple of sites on the Crawl that became increasingly reactionary over the last year or so (you can probably guess which ones).

Thus, because I can't control it, I've shut the thing down.

I've also culled and updated the 'Bloggodome' blog list.

In doing so, I've brought two sites up the top of the list - Accidental Deliberations (more Canuckistanian) and Mike the Mad Biologist (more American), both of which do an excellent job of providing interesting, newsworthy and reliable links pretty much daily.

And on that 'link' worthy note...
Norm Farrell explains how big money is (still) killing democracy around here...Here.

Laila Yuile demonstrates that the Ministry of Transport knew that one really big rain, coupled with a rapid snowmelt, would spell trouble for the Lotuslandian highway system...Here.

And, our old friend and rabble rouser, the Reverend Paperboy is back blogging - this time about how the Moe government in Saskatchewan is doing its darndest to damage the citizenry in that fair province...Here.

The revised 'Bloggodome' list still contains some 'dead' sites in the bottom half...I've kept these for historical and/or personal reasons...



  1. It's interesting to see what you've curated in or out of this listing. I feel a bit like the house-guest who is discreetly snooping around the host's bookshelves.

    It appears that "Naked Capitalism" didn't make the cut. It's an indispensable part of my filter-feeding routine, mostly to help me follow what's going on in That Place Down Below. But the volume of material it puts out is huge, and I could imagine that there's a case for making a procrastination temptation a little harder to reach.

  2. S-B--

    Thanks...Was an oversight on my part...I agree that NakedC is worth paying attention to...Will get it back over there.


  3. I've got a favour to ask of you RossK, but first, you have been my only source of traffic ..... and having said that I think I know how to continue with it. All I have to to is sprinkle a comment here on your post topics and it will trickle to my site.

    And on that note, and in light of the results of the Atmospheric River causing lost lives, destruction of our homes and belongings, roads and bridges wiped out, the silt line in Salish Sea, salmon??, it occurred to me that there could be a golden lining for all, especially the Province, one that could easily pay for the damage done, and then some.

    I wrote a post back in 2014, and because the BC Legislative Library has had a major facelift in the last year, some of the links in my Posts have been broken, needs fixing.

    The topic panning for gold, not just at Boston Bar.

    Page 4 of 17 listing of gold camps 1948 Load Gold Deposits South Eastern British Columbia


    ....... Course of veins Compared with Placer Diggings.

    "Page 24 of 60: In my topographical examination of the country, I could not help observing that, without exception, your extremely rich placers lay immediately below the quartz veins; as, for instance, if we start at the Lord Dufferin claim and follow the croppings passing the old Prospine, now called the California, and continuing along the vein in a north-west course, you will find, immediately below, or at the base of the mountain to our left, runs Williams Creek, which has yielded many million of gold, much of it extremely coarse, intermingled with quartz; while to our right, at the base of the same mountain, runs the Conklin Gulch, which also yielded large quantities of gold, as, indeed, both places are yet doing."

  4. No worries at all NVG--

    Sorry for taking down the Crawl - I just couldn't stomach letting reactionary posts, almost all from two sites, go up, unchecked because Google/Blogger blew-up the edit feature of the thing.


  5. I am going to miss your blog crawl. Certainly understand your reason for taking it down. EG

  6. Thanks EG--

    Will try to do it on my own with some regularity...

    (operative word here is 'try'...this hybrid teaching stuff is exhausting/time consuming as it doubles pretty much everything)


  7. You left up the blogs I read, so I'm all good with things. All I have to remember in life is your blog and then check the list for the others I'm interested in and read.
