Wednesday, July 20, 2022

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other.

After writing a column describing David Eby's efforts, and numerous accomplishments, as an MLA, first as a member of the opposition and later as a member of the cabinet, Vaughn Palmer has the following to say, sans receipts:
"...Like other brilliant, driven individuals, Eby does not come across as a team player..."

In contrast, Charlie Smith, brings those missing receipts, all 48 of them:
"...David Eby became the first candidate to enter the B.C. NDP leadership race. And he has the support of 48 members of his caucus, making it practically inevitable that he will succeed John Horgan as party's leader..."

Imagine that.



  1. Maybe they're supporting him because he's not a team player? A party can only take so much watering down policy to the lowest common denominator.

  2. David Eby is Vision Vancouver’s candidate to be premier of BC and we know all too well how that went in Vancouver.

    What I see is Vision Vancouver’s (via Geoff Meggs) bloodless coup against the NDP and the party has ceased to be the new Democratic Party of BC and now it will become the Vision Party of BC.

    Oh how the NDP sheep have bleated away and not learned from the lessons of 2001.

    Eby is good at putting out dumpster fires, while a major multi-billion dollar fiscal conflagrations engulfs the province.

    His stand on the housing issue shows him as naive, failing to grasp the idea that increasing density also increases property values, making new rental accommodations even more expensive, thus putting all well beyond the reach of the average family.

    My read of this upcoming fiasco for the NDP is that Horgan is somewhat sicker than he is letting on. During his last appearances on the telly, he looked decidedly ill. Geoff Meggs, his chief advisor and former Vision Vancouver councilor orchestrated a coronation for Eby to be Premier.

    David Eby will get a regal coronation because Meggs has dictated that it must be so from the bowels of a premier's more secretive and controlling than ever. He will be premier for a few months and then lose the next election to Kevin Falcon another disreputable person who has cheated his way into leadership.
