Friday, November 25, 2022

Voting For The Bluest Of Programs In A Deep Red State.


The voters of South Dakota might never elect a Democrat to a state-wide office ever again.

However they will happily ignore the blather of the Republican officials they have elected and vote for a big government democratic program that helps them and theirs:

South Dakota voters on Tuesday approved a measure to expand the state’s Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act.

The program, which takes effect in July and is expected to cover more than 40,000 people, passed with about 56 percent support.

The Republican-controlled state, where lawmakers have long resisted Medicaid expansion, is the seventh in the last five years to do so at the ballot box...

Imagine that!

Thomas Frank wrote
the book 'What's the Matter With Kansas' awhile back in which he asked why folks in that fair state appeared to keep voting against their own best interests over and over and over again.


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