Monday, December 05, 2022

Circulation Nation...


C. needs the car today and it is still too icy to ride my bicycle.


I bit the bullet and rode the bus in to work this morning.

It's been a few weeks since I used public transit given that, for the most part, the weather has cooperated  this fall (and my new rain gear is great - thanks Pops!).

Thus, I was not prepared the almost complete lack of masking.

I can understand it from the hardened construction workers on the way to the Condo Corridor on Cambie who have been dealing with this thing since the beginning.

But as for those young kids going to a certain professional-type school that I spend some of my time teaching in?

That I don't get at all.


1 comment:

  1. Presumably your institution "strongly recommends" mask-wearing, and then nobody in its senior leadership bothers to do it. I won't even ask about the Med Faculty.

    What the COVID experience has reminded me is that the world works like high school. The Cool Kids are just done with the mask thing, and almost everyone else falls into line, except for a few freaks and geeks.

    Where I work at the University In The Almost Exact Middle (Despite Its Name) Of BC, it's the same, even in my dept. full of Biology PhDs.

    By our example, we're not making a compelling case for the value of higher ed.
