Sunday, December 11, 2022

For My Dad And My Brothers, Eh.


After I heard Dave Thomas on a really fantastic T.O. Mike podcast awhile back I poked around a little in the Tubes.

And the video above, which is a detailed history of SCTV, made entirely by a fan using all manner of archived clips and interviews (including a bunch hosted by Brian Linehan!), was gifted to me by my frenemy, the algorithm, a few weeks later.

It is really fantastic, starting even before the Edmonton days, including the story of how the Godspell cast came together and how Second City first set up its branch plant in Toronto.

Joe Flaherty comes across as the anchor, and the cast member who most wanted it to go on forever.

I remember burning a whole lotta post-midnight oil with the Betamax to get all that SCTV footage down...Wonder if there are still tapes somewhere in the Aldeane St. basement?
No offence meant to Mo Amir whatsoever, who I think has done a great job of taking his DIY thing mainstream, but I sure do wish some amateur obsessive would mount a Lotuslandian version of Toronto Mike's thing...What I really, really like about the latter is that he goes deep, really deep, on just about any and everything Southern Ontario by getting all manner of people to tell their complete histories...Me, I would go just as bonkers for a two hour pod on mid-70's CJOR as I would for three hours on the birth of Quintessence Records...



  1. That was a well spent 1:58:14 video with plenty of laughs. By the way, WHO is john candy

  2. Well...

    He sure is heck is no Johnny Larue.


  3. I just never had the time, children, and the rabbit ears antenna not great reception

  4. Oh, I’m gonna be watchin this….

  5. Anon-Above--

    You won't be sorry!

