Wednesday, December 21, 2022

I've Got Mail.


While it is definitely a form of trolling, this time out I'm not talking about the messages and comments I still regularly receive from a small covey of the unhinged about how a certain director of one of the national health institutes down south is actually the monozygotic twin of the 80's TV show character Alf who is bent on loading up RNA nanoparticles with fluoride-coated NFT's that will allow him and his to both drain your bank account and inflict massive bouts of myocarditis that can only be cured by even more massive doses of supplements currently being hawked by the griftiest of online purveyors of both hate and disinformation.

Instead, today I'm talking about a small segment of the flotsam and jetsam that regularly flows into my work email box.

Most often this stuff is from predatory journals trying to coax me into joining their microencephalitic editorial boards and/or from dubious meetings in Dubai that want me to fly in to be an esteemed speaker on something I know absolutely nothing about like, say, andropause.

But yesterday's email was a new one entirely:

Apparently, the very fine fellow who sent the Email, above, is also a 'key account manager'  from a South American biomaterials vendor I have never heard of. And, also apparently, he is miffed because I've been ignoring his cold calls.

Truth be told, coffee came shooting out of my nose when I first read the bit in point #2 about how I'm 'not interested in innnovating' because I won't buy his product.



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