Friday, December 23, 2022

The Advent Jukebox, Day 22....Baby Please Don't Go.


This one's a little late because...

Last night we decided to hightail it the island along with half of the rest of the lower mainland in an effort to beat the coming weather disasterplex.

And then, when we arrived, safe and sound, we next decided it would be best to head back out into the gathering storm to get all the groceries for the duration. This resulted in a last mad dash to the nearby Thrifty's a half hour before closing.

When we finally got to the front of the store with our over-stuffed cart a few minutes after closing there was only one till open so I, like the doofus that I am, decided we could probably do things faster at the self-checkout.


The disaster at the checkout may have actually been worse than the entire weatherplex so far (which doesn't look so bad, at least not yet, from the vantage point of Friday morning on the southwestern most tip of Vancouver Island) given how many times we had to wait to get help because something had been moved off the scale too soon or because I had plugged in the wrong produce code, again.

In the end, after we had already paid, C. discovered that we had missed a clove of garlic. By that time the very nice lady who had been pretty much forced to stand-by and help us the entire time so much wanted to get us out the door that she just tossed the garlic in one of the bags (which likely just evened out me keying in the code for 'organic' mushrooms when they weren't - organic I mean).

Anyway, below is a really nice advent jukebox rendition of 'Baby Please Don't Go' with Bigger E on lead vocal (gosh, maybe I should be paying her and appearance fee given how much she has turned up in this series)... 


Image at the top of the post is littler e. riding into a blizzard of a very different kind a few blocks from our house and a little more than a few years ago.



  1. Since I idly play “Baby Please Don’t Go” virtually every day, and happened to be doing so while perusing the web today and sampling mincemeat (“More brandy!”), I said “what a coincidence” when I saw your post. I can probably do it in every key —except maybe E-flat—so I got ready to pay along, then soon realized that, although there are very many versions of this “traditional” song including the first big recording by Big Joe Turner, many others interim to perhaps the best known one by Muddy Waters and, afterwards by the likes of [the list is too long to present here] Them (the flip side of their smash hit “Gloria” featuring the young Van Morrison)—your version is not like any of them.

    Very nice, though.

    Happy Holidays!

  2. Well...When we can stump* the likes of Scotty, I reckon our job here is done (even though we have a couple of more days to go)...

    Perhaps a visit to your Island to exchange tune arrangements is in order!

    *Worker of the Woods pun most definitely intended.


  3. I am almost always here and you are always welcome. There’s a lot of tune tune arranging around here (and I try not to take it to hard…)

  4. Next time we're in the area Scotty for sure!

