Thursday, March 02, 2023

Secret Meeting At Vancouver City Hall.


Vancouver city council met more than a month ago.

In secret.

To trash the CoV's previous commitment to have all employees and contractors be paid a living wage on a yearly basis.*


Is this really about the difficulties with administration and problems of pay structure at the CoV as is being portrayed by the gutless wonders that now control our city.


Is it perhaps about the cost to private contractors and the maintenance of their profit margins for doing public work?

to the MoCo's Justin McElroy only Christine Boyle is known, for sure, to have bucked the wonders ...And, just to be clear, not only did the wonders vote in secret, they also delayed the 'release' of their decision for more than a month (i.e. it just came out today, March 2nd).



  1. Is it that Conservatives are now running Vancouver city hall?

  2. Chuck--

    You may be on to something.


  3. From my experience in life, Conservatives generally take away gains that working people have made. Some people that will be effected by this could have voted for this outcome willingly.

  4. Chuck--

    I suspect that, in the CoV, many folks who voted against their own best interest in the last election were bamboozled by the obfuscatory, not to mention cynical, safer streets-focused platform of the current council that was foisted on them by huge ad buys.

