Saturday, June 24, 2023

Coo - Coup - Ka - Choo.


Apparently, the Russian civil war that started, like, yesterday, is over.

For now:

Meanwhile, the elites or, more likely their children appear to be fleeing:

...Flights from Moscow have reportedly sold out as the Wagner mercenary group approaches.

Der Spiegel has reported that tickets for direct connections from Moscow to Tbilisi, Astana and Istanbul are no longer available...

As for the Impalinist himself?...Well?
Need background/context?....Anne Applebaum's latest in the Atlantic is solid...And the WikiCanoodlers are actually doing a solid job of keeping up...


1 comment:

  1. I would think a "sniff" of a nuclear bomb on Wagner forces sealed the deal.

    The Russians have no hesitation in doing this and with their well oiled propaganda machine, would lead the world in a plethora of conspiracy theories.

    I predict the former leader of the Wagner Group will accidentally fall out of a window.
