Friday, June 16, 2023

Hey, You! Get Off A My Lawn!

Actually, there are no lawns at the corner of Fraser and 29th.

At least not on the southeast corner where the local Loblaws discount(ish) outlet reigns supreme. 

When I stopped by one evening last week on my way home from work the bike rack was already full. 

So I chained up to the no parking sign across the street and headed into the harsh neon to stock up on hard fibre and various other assorted sundry items.

When came back outside fifteen minutes later my shoulders sagged as I crossed the street and noticed that the headlight was no longer strapped to the handlebars of my bike.

I looked to the sky and took a long, slow breath while while I considered whether it was advisable to ride the few blocks home in the gathering dusk sans incandescence.

That's when I noticed the young kid sitting atop the now empty bike rack across the street in front of the store.

In that moment, to this old man's mind eye at least, the kid looked snotty, dismissive and downright shifty. 

I gave him a good stare as he pretended to look at his phone and, with righteous indignation simmering, I almost crossed over to ask him a question or two.


I wish I could say that the thing that stopped me was the wisdom of one of the kids in 'Reservation Dogs',  shown in the trailer above, who somehow seems to get along with everyone because of his credo, which is that he always does his best to treat everyone well in the hopes that they will do the same.

But no.

It wasn't anything that pure of heart, or even just plain reasonable, that led me to turn my bike the other way and head for home.

Instead, it was the gathering darkness.

Of course, later, as I was emptying my pack I found the light.

Clearly, this time the 'Sheesh' was all on me.



  1. good for you to keep your shit together. not judging the book by the cover type reminder.

  2. NVG--

    The writing on that show is pretty darned funny in a multilevel stratification kind of way...And it's fantastic that Sterlin Harjo and friends are actually shooting it in Oklahoma - not for tax purposes (at least not entirely), but rather because that's where the story is actually set.



    Thing is, I really didn't ... I just lucked out...Have to work on that.


  3. Off topic Rossk, but this is related to old time memories over at Emptywheel
    Over at EmptyWheel, music memories, are popping up. Well worth the visit today.

    Tracy Lynn says:
    June 17, 2023 at 11:31 pm

    Saw Elvin Bishop when he was the headliner for the Fountain Blues Festival in San Jose. This was pre-Covid, so probably 5 – 6 years ago.

    bmaz says:
    June 18, 2023 at 12:18 am

    I’d just like to point out that it is a pretty kick ass blog where a surveillance post can turn into an Elvin Bishop thing. We generally try to stay on topic, but it is a weekend, and the people here are fantastic. Thanks to one and all, the proprietors love you.
    -mamake- says:
    June 18, 2023 at 1:54 am

    Exactly why I keep reading – astute political and legal analysis, cultural depth and range, music, puns, film and humor interspersed throughout. Great, great, great. And, real people whose lives are revealed in bits and pieces…like an ongoing multi-character novel.
    Love it!
    Robot17 says:
    June 18, 2023 at 3:26 am

    Saw him with Jeff Beck and Aerosmith. Ring any bells? 76-77???
    bmaz says:
    June 18, 2023 at 8:28 am

    Maybe! Actually sounds about right, not sure. Used to go to some of those all day multiple group concerts back then. Festivals! Cannot imagine doing that anymore.
    Doctor Cyclops says:
    June 18, 2023 at 10:02 am

    He played the Shaboo in beautiful Willimantic, Connecticut in the ’70s.
    bmaz says:
    June 18, 2023 at 1:56 pm

    Oh, that is very cool!

  4. Very cool NVG--

    And anytime the EW comment thread denizens can cheer bmaz up, well...Something celestial must be in alignment somewhere.

    As for peak, post-Butterfield Elvin B...This!


  5. I've been thinking of doing a somewhat musical Post on my site, but only because of all the Covid-19 thingy forcing me to wile away my time by doing JigSaw Puzzles from the District of North Vancouver Library. The only problem with their website database? There are no images included. How are patrons supposed to know what level of challenges, capabilities are required.

    "You Can't Judge a Book by the Cover" a 1962 song by rock and roll pioneer Bo Diddley. Written by Willie Dixon, the song was one of Diddley's last record chart hits.

    You can't judge an apple by looking at a tree
    You can't judge honey by looking at the bee
    You can't judge a daughter by looking at the mother
    You can't judge a BOOK by looking at the cover

    'You Can Judge an Apple by looking at the Puzzle Cover'
