Friday, July 14, 2023

Any Day Is A Good Day For Some Todd Snider.


The video above, shot very recently in Memphis, captures Todd Snider and friends doing that old John Prine hit about an Alabama angel.

Snider, who was a great friend of the even greater Jerry Jeff Walker, was also one of the online musical yeopersons of the pandemic times.


Why put this up here now?

Because Otis Gibbs, who is all that is good about what is still DIY on the internet, said I could.

That's why.

Another snippet from the Tubez for today?...Fran Drescher speaking truth to Greedheads and pretendian progressives like, say, Scott Galloway.
Here's something I didn't know...Carly Simon recorded Mr. Prine's tune way back in the day but her record company shelved it for more than two decades before it saw the the light of day on a box set retrospective in 1995...Have to wonder if and/or how the early royalty jackpot would have changed the former mailman's career trajectory.


1 comment:

  1. saw Ms. Dreschar at the press conferance yesterday while watching the news.

    Loved her in that first series. However as the Union spokesperson she is even better. The greed of the industry never surprises me. Residual cheques are important to people in the Industry. Its what gets some people in the business through the difficult time.

    Perhaps it is time governments start regulating some of this shit and that includes what companies, Threads, can collect on people who use their service.

    No longer carrying one employee owned t.v. station is not going to make or break some large corp. We have heard the "employer" line but I suspect they also have other plans they don't wish to share.

    With the lack of new shows who knows what we will have to watch. The endless "reality shows" are just mindless junk. Have started reading more.

    Wonder if some t.v. stations will begin using series and movies from other countries if the strike goes on much longer. PBS and Knowledge network have run series such as Vera, Would be happy to see them again. One series, with subtitles was created in Belgium.
