Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Developers? In Lotusland?


Raymond Tomlin, who is really on top of this parks board on the killing floor thing, explains why the City of Vancouver has been so developer friendly for the last fifty plus years:

...Whether it’s developer Mayor Tom Campbell in the late 60s, or Joel Solomon and Gregor Robertson for a 10-year period when Vision Vancouver was at the seat of power at Vancouver City Hall, or in these latter days, with an avuncular — but dare we say, avaricious — Peter Armstrong and Chip Wilson (backing ABC Vancouver), we who call Vancouver home are reminded yet again, and much to our consternation, this is not our city, for Vancouver is owned lock, stock and barrel by the developer class...

Go and read Mr. Tomlin's entire post - it's good.



  1. The honeymoon is finally over...

  2. Even prior to the last 50 years, Vancovuer was much more a city of who you knew that what was good for the rest of the people who lived here. It started when Europeans started pushing Indigenous People off of their lands and took them over to make money.''It gives me a good laugh when some citizens of the city of Vancouver carry on about First Nations deciding to build housing on land they now own. One of their lines, is aobut how crowded it will be, what an impact it will have on traffic, it will change the "tone" of the neighbourhood. All those objecting, might want to ask them selves, how did the Indigenous People feel when they were pushed off of their land and Europeans changed how the Indigenous People could live.

    What goes around, comes around.

    As a kid and young adult, every time some area in Greater Vancouver was destroyed to make way for some new developement, people were told, it was to improve our lives. I didn't believe it as a kid and I don't believe it now as a senior. It was to make money for a few at the expense of many.

    The money "men" just were interested in making money, not about the future.

    Lets never forget how the provincial government sold all that land to a devleper (former Expo lands) for what was actually just chump change. The developer paid approx. $50M and the first lot he sold was for $45M. Don't blame the developer, but the provincialand civic government they violated their oaths, in my humble opinion.
