Tuesday, January 09, 2024

How Long Until...


Last week it was revealed that a whole lot of foreign governments pumped millions into Donald Trump's businesses while the latter was still the 45th US'ian president.

Included in the list was a very, very super fine bank of a certain country that the good Mr. Trump often derides phonetically. The same bank also, allegedly, likes to make nice with Mr. Trump's favourite funny and very smart dictator:

...China made the largest total payments — $5.5 million — to Trump’s private businesses. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), one of China’s biggest state-owned banks, was among Trump Tower’s largest office tenants during the Trump presidency. The report notes that during Trump’s first year in the White House, several Chinese banks — including ICBC — came under scrutiny for financial ties to North Korea, causing the administration to weigh sanctions against them...

All of which has me wondering...

How long will it be until one of our own homegrown whackaloons running with the rusted-out, but tanned, rested, and re-funded, right-sided provincial political party starts spouting off about all the foreign money that is propping up our puppetized public insurance corporation that they also assert is pumping 5G robot magnet codes into our vaccine-addled brains?

Or some such thing.

On a more serious, snark-free local/provincial political note...Raymond Tomlin and VanRamblings are back!
'Funny' and 'very smart' dictator?...You betcha.


1 comment:

  1. Do we place bets or do we buy sqares on a board?
