Monday, January 15, 2024



Once again, I got catnipped into clicking through on a link to a Politico story...

This time, it was while searching for a little extra biographical nitty-gritty on the late, great Ed Broadbent.


As I slid down the page looking for something, ummm, original, I suddenly came upon the following:


I realize the polls are awful for the Liberals. However, what the blurb above compares is the useless comings and goings of a faux happy-faced political stalking horse who doesn't have to do anything of use and/or substance to do and a guy who is actually, you know, governing.

And the former is 'up' while the latter is 'down'?



Meanwhile, down in the deepest bowels of the Tubes...

And speaking of actual Pols
doing stuff that actually matters...Why aren't Mr. Singh and Mr. Davies getting more kudos for...This!



e.a.f. said...

What???? credit for a dental plan? that's communism or at the least socialism and we just can't have that. doesn't matter if its for kids. Next thing people will want is decent places to live for their kids. How will that work. We need to ensure the corporations and the millionaires and billionaires continue to be subsidized in just about every thing.

The dental plan was way over due. People who do not have adequate dental care frequently have sorter life spans and more infections. Its actually cheaper for there to be a dental plan.

I don't care what they accuse Trudea of doing or not doing. He passed, early on a mechanism for people to receive monthly "cash" benefits if they had kids and lived below the poverty line. It brought about 250K kids out of poverty. Now of course some provinces deducted the federal money dollar for dollar from the welfare cheques. Can't have children eating 3 square meals a day or having adequate winter clothing, etc. In B.C. they get to keep 50%--that needs to change.

If PP and his Cons were to be elected don't be surprised if those monthly benefits are eliminated and replaced with "tax credits". Recall Harper having "tax credit" if your kid played sports like hockey. It only benefited those who could afford to front the money. Look for more of the same.

There are others in this country who may not "approve" of Singh because he isn't "Canadian" enough. We have only to look at the current protests in Toronto targetting a Jewish neighbourhood. Racism is alive and well in Canada.

It rather funny, in a preverse way,that we have talking heads and small business owners lamenting the requirement to pay back money the government loaned them during COVID, yet anything which may improve the life of a child, not happening if the Cons can prevent it. Its too expensive they say.

The right wingers in Canada do not want to congratulate the two M.P.s for their work on a dental plan. It might encourage others to do similar things and remind voters, the Liberals and NDP will offer more social programs than the Cons. ever did.

Can anyone remmeber what social programs the Cons implemented? Recall Harper defunding all women's organizations in Canada when he was elected and formed government. PP was part of that government. Anything people didn't like about Harper and his government, it will be much worse with PP as P.M.

I'm sure the media corporations would love another Con government. Lower taxes for them and do expect a change to our rights. Harper along with PP passed 9 pieces of federal legislation that they were informed prior to passing were in violation of the Constituion. Those 9 pieces of legislation were challenged in court and the Supreme Court of Canada over turned each one of them. Now do we need or want a repeat of that? These are not "nice people". Harper's changes to the criminal code were over turned but you can bet PP will try to bring them back.

It was great that the Cons were voted out of office. My greatest concern at the time was if Harper was re elected we would see changes to a woman's right to control her own body and even a return of capital punishment. Once the Liberals and NDP sorted themselves out, it feels so much more comfortable.

Evil Eye said...

On the subject of dental plans, my wife who is a CDA admits that dentists are doing a huge amount of unnecessary procedures and billing it to the dental insurance.

What seems to be a good thing, may end up as a racket for dentists to rob the system. Unlike doctors, there are little safeguards for the dental profession to grow fat on insurance money.

Sorry to be a downer on this but my oh my the massive amount of money made by dentists is gob smacking.

e.a.f said...

Evil eye, once dental work is paid for by the government, they may well decide to "review" some of those claims and conduct audits. At some point most "rip offs" hear the song, "the party's over"

Part of the problem is most dentistry work is shrouded in mystery. We have a muwch greater understanding of medical procedures these days.

We do need a dental program in Canada because dental care is unaffordable for many. The allegations some dentists may rip off the system is no reason to deny children decent dental care.