Friday, January 26, 2024

Vancouver's 'Temporary' Parks In Potential Privatization Peril...The City Manager Weighs In.


In recent posts, we discussed how the  recommendations from the mayor's budgetary task force potentially puts 100 'temporary' parks in privatization peril, particularly if the parks board is abolished.


Does the City of Vancouver itself also recognize that there might be a problem here?

Well, according to Francis Bula's tweet storm coverage of a press conference held yesterday to calm the waters given the massive wake caused by the Mayor's  drive to abolish the parks board, the city manager, Paul Mochrie, apparently does:

So there you have it.

The city is 'looking at opportunities' to protect public lands (i.e. all those temporary 'park spaces') that are being put in potential peril of privatization due to the concerted actions of the very same city's mayor.

Don't know about you, but I'm not sure that allays any of my fears.




  1. perhaps Sims would like to be mayor for more than one term and thus the change of mind. It was most likely a good try by his devloper friends, but alas, the citizens of Vancouver and ares were not amazed. The provincial government may have also placed a few phone calls because although these parks, beachs are in the city of Vancouver, people in Greater Vancouver believe they belong to the greater area.

    As a kid growing up in Richmond, on the weekend, we would go to Jericho Beach or Spanish Banks for the day.

    The nice thing about Vancouver beaches is that they are accessible by bus, which means a lot of people can afford to go, Many of the cities surrounding Vancouver do not have access to beaches, i.e. Richmond--Burnaby or you need a vehicle to get there.

    You don't swim in the Fraser River unless you want to risk dying.

  2. Had a look at the pictures of the parks. The one I really loved was the one taken in the West End back in the 1960s this is what I remember. thak you for the walk through not only the park but my life.

  3. Vote Ken Sim and win?
    Aah the potential give an inch take a mile 50 shades of tree grey.?
    Hows that cutting clear in Stanley park going? 300m$ water main friendly?

  4. I would trust Sim or any of his cohorts one iota.

    All the Alphabetical Party of convenience wants is to develop land, or should I say he wants his land developer/speculators to develop lands.

    The APofC is nothing more than a rebranding of Vision(less) Vancouver and sadly for those who voted for this charlatan is Caveat Emptor.

  5. I would agree. I would trust them about as far as I could throw the Coastal Renaissance...

  6. The Coastal Renaissance is throwable?

    Who knew?


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Well, they've been throwing rods for years, so turnabout is fair play!

  9. Anon-Above--


    And...Follow the money back to the fine folks carrying the bags.

