Monday, March 11, 2024

Numbers You Have Not Seen Before.


A European academic group has done a massive worldwide survey of public opinion on the subject of what to do about the climate crisis.

The work was published last month in 'Nature Climate Change'.

The following is from the abstract:

...(W)e conducted a representative survey across 125 countries, interviewing nearly 130,000 individuals. Our findings reveal widespread support for climate action. Notably, 69% of the global population expresses a willingness to contribute 1% of their personal income, 86% endorse pro-climate social norms and 89% demand intensified political action...

And yet, despite numbers that would move the needle significantly on just about anything politically, we continue to do next to nothing, collectively, when it comes to mounting measures that actually matter.

The PR industrial complex, see COP 28, for example, is winning.



  1. I hate to paraphrase Mark Knopfler but there's too much money for doing nothing...

  2. There is a firm belief by politcans and bureaucrats that you can tax global warming out of existence. You Can't.

    The Carbon Tax is merely a placebo by by government pretending it is doing something about global warming, but not doing anything!

    To deal with climate change, we must do things differently, but we are not.

    The province needs to rethink transportation, but it is not.

    And the people, need to rethink priorities, but they are not.

    The answers are there, but government is afraid of loosing power, so they keep the status quo, with useless taxes, do nothing PR events, so we will learn the hard way.

    It is going to be the voyage of the damned.

  3. Many I know go to Mexico all you can eat and drink resort to deal with climate change.
    Are we doomed?
    I suspect this to be true.

  4. focus on methane
    80 x more potent than co2?


    less coal / soot

  5. If politicians think they can tax their way out of climate change and pollution, they are either smoking B.C.'s best to excess or they're just don't under stand people and/or big business. Business will simply pass the cost on to the consumer and people in general will simply not have enough money to pay for the necessities of life. They'll then find another party to vote for.

    Climate change doesn't stick with people's minds. Once the floods or fires are gone, so it the concern regarding it all. Part of climate change is pollution and pollution has an impact on all of us immediately. You breath, you get dirty air. Dirty air can and does have a negative impact on your health and especially your lungs.

    This morning was checking through the news and saw an article which announced that Canada's cities had more polluted air than American cities. I do recall there being something about 14 out of 15 cities were Canadian and they won for dirty air. Just read the headline and kept going.

    People aren't going to change because its always the "other guy" who is causing it all. Not using plastic bags is not going to solve the problem. It just makes people think they are doing something while doing not very much.

    The various wars around the globe aren't doing much to deter climate change or pollution either.


    Having trouble with Google. The new home old Beer.
